Friday, August 23, 2024

Quotes from Srila Prabhupada Tributes 2024

 Quotes from Srila Prabhupada Tributes 2024


Back in July I had the ecstatic service of proofreading Srila Prabhupada Tributes 2024, and thus was inundated with an ocean of Prabhupada appreciation and Prabhupada pastimes. I took these 45 pages of notes as I read the book, and I hope they inspire you to read the whole. book!

Umapati Swami:

I had read other English editions of the Bhagavad-gita, but I never cared enough to read them twice. Prabhupada’s explanations in Bhagavad-gita As It Is alone let the brilliance of Krishna’s words shine out and showed me the eternal surprises within.”

Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami:

It was you, Prabhupada, who gave me the Hare Krishna mantra in 1966. I know many devotees in your ISKCON movement who are sustaining themselves by chanting the mantra you have given them. I am not the best chanter by any means; I am a small chanter, and one who still chants with offenses. But I have caught on to the fact that Hare Krishna is my single best chance to please you and to please the Supreme Lord.

Jayapataka Swami:

I’m encouraging the devotees to take up sastric courses like Bhakti-sastri, Bhakti-vaibhava, Bhaktivedanta, and Bhakti-sarvabhauma – something you desired.”

My dear Srila Prabhupada, my caretakers keep telling me that I should not travel but should stay in one place. Yet I wonder where I would be if Your Divine Grace hadn’t traveled at your advanced age. Somehow, I am trying to fulfill your instructions to me, but I don’t think I have even done a fragment of what I would like to do for Your Divine Grace. Please bless me that I can become an instrument in spreading the mercy of Lord Caitanya far and wide.”

Prahladananda Swami:

Going out every day with the harinama party during this year’s Srila Prabhupada Marathon was certainly a transcendental experience. But trying to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books was a transcendental experience on another level because suddenly I became an instrument of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission. Practically everyone I approached became someone I was happy to be around, and I offered them Srila Prabhupada’s and Lord Caitanya’s mercy of transcendental knowledge. As I felt comfortable in people’s company, many of them felt comfortable in mine. So whether they were from Slovenia, Italy, Germany, France, or anywhere else, it didn’t matter because practically everyone took one or more of Srila Prabhupada’s books and was enthusiastic about contributing to the sankirtana movement.”

Giriraj Swami:

As my father was leaving the room, he remarked, ‘Well, I can say two things about your master. He is a brilliant organizer, and he really knows how to deal with people.’ And in my father’s system of values, those were the highest compliments.

“‘To work very hard for Krishna for two days,’ you concluded, ‘and then to recuperate for three days, that is not a very good proposal.’”

In Juhu, on your instruction, we held classes for the tenants’ children, and many of them would attend mangala-arati or the evening program. You even had us schedule mangala-arati a little later so that it would be easier for our neighbors to attend. The whole area surrounding Hare Krishna Land was ‘a pious quarter,’ you said, and you wanted us to do whatever we could to maintain a school for the local children, who, as young as they were, learned our regulative principles and how to offer food to Krishna.”

Hridayananda Dasa Goswami:

The Western branch of your movement, preaching to Americans, Europeans, Australians, etc., is but a fraction of what you left us. I base this analysis on the metrics that you personally taught me: how many new temples, how many devotees, etc. I pray to you that you please empower us to understand the gravity of the historical situation so that your followers can unite and restore the relevance and power of your Western mission.”

Bhaktivaibhava Swami:

Govinda Dasi found some old Indian newspapers from the 1970s in her attic, in boxes, and one had an article about Srila Prabhupada, written by an well-known astrologer: ‘Nobody can read this chart; if they say they can, they are simply lying. This personality comes and goes at his own sweet will; he is not bound by anybody or anything. The stars are lined up perfectly – there is no question of karma. He is working directly under the will of God. And when he writes, his pen does not have in it ink. His pen has in it fire which will burn the ignorance of the whole world.’”

Nava Yogendra Swami:

Only your causeless mercy gives me the hope by which I survive in this miserable material world and serve Lord Sri Krishna.

Bhakti Gauravani Swami:

We had organized several public preaching programs, but not many people attended. You attributed the sparse attendance to the fact that people were not interested in hearing a talk about philosophy. You gave us the same recommendation you had given two years earlier in Amsterdam, that we should mainly distribute prasadam so that people would become purified and thus enabled to understand the philosophy.

Krishna Kshetra Swami:

I was fortunate to meet you in Paris in the summer of 1972. It would be two years later, in Germany, that I mustered the courage to ask you my burning question: ‘How can I give up material desire?’ To which your immediate answer was ‘No desire! Desire only for Krishna,’ and to which you added examples of how one might serve Krishna: ‘You can drive a car for Krishna!’ – a fitting example, considering that my service at that time was as the temple driver. “

“‘Two streams come from independence, sreyah [that through which we get eternal benefit] and preyah [temporary happiness]. Wherein sreyah and preyah have become one, meaning that service to the Lord has become one’s object of happiness, is a situation where everything is good for us. When preyah is merged into sreyah, then our true auspiciousness takes place.’ (quoted in The Mission: Srila Prabhupada and His Divine Agents, Swami B. B. Bodhayan, Mandala, ND, p. 53)”

Radhanath Swami:

We pray to always remember that your causeless compassion is our only real qualification.

We can see as a testament of your mercy how sincere devotees from different sides of opposing battling nations can still honor one another as Vaishnavas. This is possible when we choose to surrender to the path of bhakti, as you have given it. Srila Prabhupada, when focusing on your life and teachings, devotee relationships can transcend racial, religious, social, or ideological conflicts and we can be united as Vaishnavas. Such devotional communities and Vaishnava character can awaken the joy of pure bhakti within the suffering hearts of a population being devoured by the blazing flames of Kali-yuga. This is the supreme benediction of the harinama-sankirtana movement you so mercifully bestowed upon us and entrusted to us. How can we ever repay you?

Kesava Bharati Dasa Goswami:

How can one properly praise you, who accomplished a feat that no one else in history has been able to do – to write, publish, and distribute transcendental literature in such quantity, in such simple, accessible, and digestible language, so as to cross the barriers that separate people. You touched and uplifted people from all nations, all races, all religious faiths, all educational levels, and every social status. And you convinced them that there is an Absolute Truth – and that He’s a person. You broke down all the barriers, Srila Prabhupada, and for that the whole world will eventually be eternally grateful.

Partha Sarathi Das Goswami:

I conclude this offering to your lotus feet by quoting from a lecture you gave on 9 December 1973, ‘Now we have by Krishna’s grace built up something significant in the shape of ISKCON, and we are one family. Sometimes there may be disagreement and quarrel, but we should not go away. These inebrieties can be adjusted by co-operative spirit, tolerance and maturity. So I request you to kindly remain in the association of devotees and work together. The test of our mutual co-operative spirit is to push on this movement and not make factions or deviate.’”

Please empower us and allow us to engage in a mutual co-operative spirit so we can maintain and expand your contribution to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s preaching mission.”

Bhaktimarga Swami:

You taught us the answer is in individual purging And not through gratification or a useless merging

Your intervention has done it for those you drafted With your sweet logical persuasion you have crafted

It encourages us to further clean up our act To clean our heart and a world that’s hacked”

Varsana Swami:

Among the countless means to invoke the Lord, the maha-mantra is the most beloved to Him and the most potent for us. This sublime chant holds the essence of Krishna’s energies and is a touchstone that can fulfill all the desires of every soul, whether they be mortal or divine. It is truly unique, as it embodies both the highest goal and the ultimate process of worship.”

Like the dawn breaking on the eastern horizon and gradually spreading its luminous rays westward, your influence reveals a spiritual frontier, offering hope and inspiration to seekers on their sacred journey. With each passing moment, your legacy expands, embracing the hearts of all who are touched by its golden luster.”

In distributing the maha-mantra, your mission offers the panacea, a remedy for all afflictions. Your movement performs the most munificent welfare activity – delivering countless souls from the cycle of birth and death while granting them shade and shelter in the supreme abode. There, the forests echo with the sweet melodies of Krishna’s flute and His devotees respond by collectively singing the holy names while dancing in the joy of communion.”

With the touchstone of the maha-mantra, you have granted this most exclusive goal as our inclusive inheritance. You continue to serve as our guiding star, harmonizing our chanting and dancing with Lord’s Caitanya’s prema-sankirtana pastimes, which in turn bestow access to the arena of the rasa-lila.”

Through Your Divine Grace, souls bereft of any good fortune have become so fortunate to see the pastimes of Lord Caitanya unfolding even today. As devotees gather now to celebrate the hallowed occasion of your appearance in this realm, they offer heartfelt prayers of gratitude for your ongoing presence in their lives.

Dhanesvara Das Goswami:

Please bless us to cast aside all petty concerns for ourselves so that we may also become fit chanters of the kirtan of Hari.”

Nirañjana Swami:

Although I am weak and lazy to remember Krishna, I’ve long since discovered that if I remember you and serve your instructions, you will not let me forget Him.”

Bhakti Vikasa Swami:

Krishna sent you to this world to show how much a devotee will undergo in order to expand krishna-kirtana, glorification of Krishna.”

Govinda Dasi:

We had our day. And what a wonderful day it was!! Dancing to the tunes of the Grand Master! Like yesterday I remember you teaching us to dance the ‘Swami Step!’ ‘Raise your arms like this,’ you said, “now right foot over left, then left over right, yes, yes, like this, gently swaying—ah yes, like this, this is how you dance for the Lord’s pleasure….” And we danced for your pleasure as well.”

Malati Devi Dasi:

Associating with memories of your person is a form of my sadhana that gives me solace and hope for attaining Krishna’s spiritual reality, even if only in partial segments throughout the day. The earliest memories are the most powerful because they were piercing holes through the dark dust covering my heart, and this was often a dramatic consciousness-changing experience coming without my own external or internal efforts. A vivid example of this was upon first sighting you at the San Francisco airport in January ’67. I suddenly found myself on the floor on my hands and knees. It wasn’t that I was making obeisances – we had yet to learn about obeisances – but it seemed to have occurred simultaneously to an emergence of a sudden great energy. I only later understood this as the spiritual energy having pierced the existing layers of the dark covering surrounding my heart allowing a moment of your glaring, fully spiritual effulgence to pierce my darkened existence. The resulting vibration was so strong I was thrown off my feet.”

The first instance of seeing you in person, that January 1967 at the San Francisco airport, was otherworldly as you glided among us, welcoming us to join your world, a world we had not known existed yet nevertheless were searching after. We were the ‘love and peace’ generation who were not finding ‘love and peace’ until you arrived among us. Until that moment, we had no idea what ‘love and peace’ would look or feel like.”

In September 1966, you wrote in a letter to a close friend: ‘At his first sight of me Srila Prabhupada [meaning your own Guru Maharaja] also saw me with such love. It was in my very first darsana of Srila Prabhupada that I learned how to love. It is his boundless mercy that he has engaged an unworthy person like me, in fulfilling some of his desires. It is his causeless mercy to engage me in preaching the message of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha.’”

It was on the same day, after meeting you at the airport and now at our small storefront temple, that we too began to feel your love being showered upon us in the form of truth and compassion, and we began falling in love with you. That glorious moment is forever etched in my heart’s portrait of you, the first of all my memories.”

That love with which you showered us did result in feelings of joy – that is a fact. Tasting the joy of spiritual love was replacing the dissatisfaction of material existence, building the foundational aspects of the Hare Krishna movement, that was growing by leaps and bounds without a formal blueprinted plan. Such is your mercy, which remains ever potent, for which I eternally hanker.”

Dayananda dasa:

Mahaprabhu states that the sadhaka (devotee) begins with sraddha (faith). As that faith deepens, one progresses through various stages to prema. I cannot fathom that high stage of bhakti; however, I am happy that you have given practical expressions of prema to us. Instead of tears and rolling on the floor, you have unfurled the majesty of grand temples, the sweetness of prasadam and kirtana, the beauty of the murtis, the affection of sadhu-sanga, the fulfillment of ardent seva, the mystique of Srimati-tulasi-devi, the glory of sankirtana, the attractiveness of Krishna art, the power of book distribution, and the sakti of a saktyavesa. To me, those are your expressions of prema. Mahaprabhu asked for help distributing prema-phala, the fruits of love, and so you have done it.”


You see into the hearts of all entities, as you caress a flower on John Lennon’s estate, saying ‘Nature is one of the highest manifestations of Lord Krishna on earth planet.’”

You slept less, walked faster, wrote more, travelled more, and gave and gave, with compassion and grace, and interacted with the thousands of souls, making each of us special like Krishna at the Rasa dance with the Gopis, each one an intimate relationship.”


With Srila Prabhupada’s impeccable character in every way, Sally had said in an interview that Srila Prabhupada was the best guest. To her, he was like her father-in-law and she cried when he had left their home for New York.

Bhurijana Dasa:

Hearing your melodious voice this morning as it captured the Brahma-saṁhita’s intensity of words and its mood of love for Krishna, I was connected to Lord Brahma, to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura (who wrote a commentary on the Brahma-saṁhita), to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and to the transcendental land of Vrindavana, which is filled with cintamani gems, surabhi cows, and desire trees.

You were and are the connection that made and makes all other connections possible.”

Rukmini Devi Dasi:

You selflessly, fearlessly, and repeatedly traversed the earth.”

Please keep me onboard and ferry me across to the other side of this otherwise insurmountable ocean of birth and death.”

Ranadhir Dasa:

Please help me to remember to beg for help from Krishna at every opportunity by sincerely chanting His holy name.”

Looking back at my foolish attempts to be of service to you, I now realize how kind and generous it was for you to have given me opportunities to be of some service.”

Chintamani dasi:

When I got a copy of Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, I couldn’t stop reading it. You saw me reading it when I was outside and with a large smile you remarked, “Oh, you are reading about Lord Chaitanya?”

Dinadayadri Dasi:

Each sound from your lips is a spiritual jewel But I am a most insignificant fool So on this most holy and auspicious day For undeserved mercy I humbly pray

The sound of your voice in your books makes me swoon! It lights up the dark like the rays of the moon The sound of your singing! It pierces the sky, A path to the Lord in the planet most high

I’m puzzled by life at this time, much to fear I pray to my Spiritual Father most dear For courage to cling to your feet at all cost Your voice in my heart, may I never be lost

Bhakta Dasa:

Your tireless efforts to spread the teachings of Lord Krishna across the globe have illuminated countless hearts, guiding them toward the path of Bhakti Yoga.”

Mahatma das:

I chant sixteen rounds because you want me to. I follow the four rules because I promised you.

I try to be responsible because you instructed me to. I do things I don’t like when it pleases you.

I do austerities because I follow what you do. I make sacrifices because I owe it to you.

I study your words to know what you want me to do. I teach because devotees need to know more about you.

I serve because we inherited a huge mission from you. I can please you if I help you serve your guru.

I stay in ISKCON because you asked all of us to. I try to cooperate because this is what you beg us to do.

I strive to live the kind of life you want me to; To be an example of what you want us to do.

Before I act I think, “What would Prabhupada do?” I pray that someday I can be more like you.

I have no existence independent of you. Without you in my life, I wouldn’t know what to do.

I am not qualified to be called a devotee true. Whatever good I have is only because of you.

Please use me for whatever you need me to do. I exist for your service and for what pleases you.

Kusha Devi Dasi:

You taught us self discipline through the regulative principles of freedom. You taught us to become addicts of the all attractive Godhead, Krishna, through the habitual chanting and dancing, while singing the names of the Lord.

These purificatory processes tenderize our hearts, so when it comes time to let go of all identification with matter, we can relish the process of transferring our account to Goloka and no longer be bound by social security numbers, bank accounts and deeds.”

Thank you for the continued opportunity to remain free of the clutches of this impersonal factory, military industrialized minionization of the human race.”

Thank you for freeing our souls, delivering them to joyfully serve Krishna.”

Nagapatni devi dasi:

To Srila Prabhupada Our Everything.

You’re our Master, guiding us back to home Keeping us fixed, not letting us roam.

You’re our father, giving us our spiritual life Until you came there was only struggle and strife.

You’re our mother, who gives all the facilities Never abandoning our needs and frailties.

You’re our captain, steering our ship on course, through the modes of nature and all the material force.

You’re our teacher, providing knowledge through your books and spotless preaching, opening our eyes and extending our reaching.

You’re our provider feeding us pure transcendental mercy that continues to nurture and strengthen our urgency.

You’re our general, who leads us fearlessly against our greatest foes, there are no retreats, and no defeats. Clearly, it’s stated so.

You’re our hope, our refuge, our redeemer. There’s no place sweeter. Please have mercy keep us close to your lotus feet or all we will do is weep.”

Sarvamangala Dasi:

You said that devotees are ‘out there’ waiting for us to find them. There is no joy equal to this. You found us and gave us a wonderful life.”

I recently read a letter you had sent to a disciple where you said we should not be proud of any service rendered or we won’t be able to improve. This isn’t a negative outlook but a reality. Hearing the truths your voice vibrates cleanses doubt and fear. Please continue to help me improve.”

I hope I can spend my remaining years in this body trying to be helpful to sincere seekers of the truth and sharing what I can of the mercy you have disseminated. It has to be attempted because you have given the order in spite of our disqualification.”

Kshudi Das:

I remember how close you stuck to me when I was alone in South Africa. You put so much effort to make sure I was not there alone. When devotees had difficulty coming to South Africa you looked for others to come help me even as busy you were. I dedicate my life to sticking close to you and not diverting to other practices and philosophies. I plan to put effort into helping other devotees. I plan to share with others how much effort you put into helping me and other devotees. Also to share with others the benefits of sticking close to you and helping others.”

Jagattarini dasi:

I want to find the courage to resist the ever so subtle as well as the grossest tendencies of mine to try and enjoy careless craziness without recognizing the danger. Please help me to become honestly fearless by being tightly connected to you.”

Jaya Jagadisa Dasa:

After you chastised Navayogendra Swami, Navayogendra inquired, ‘Srila Prabhupada, when you get angry at us, what should we do?’ You responded, ‘You should laugh.’ Navayogendra asked, ‘Why?’ You responded, ‘There are so many people in this world doing all kinds of nonsense. Is there anybody checking them, correcting them? Nobody. When the spiritual master corrects his disciple it means that Krishna is being merciful upon that soul.’”

Vaisesika said, ‘I live to be corrected!’”

Kurma dasa:

Bright faced now, from hearing you Their lives remoulded, fresh and new, They see you always in their heart, And so for them you’ll ne’er depart.

Can I measure your mercy sweet? Oceanic compassion! Impossible feat! So I stand on its shore and serve without stop – I, Kurma dasa, pray to taste but a drop.”

Narayani Dasi:

So we require hundreds and thousands of spiritual masters who has understood this Krishna science and preach all over the world…Therefore we have formed this society and we, we invite all sincere souls to take part in the society and become a spiritual master, and preach this science all over the world. — Bg. 4.34–38 New York, 1966

Interviewer: Now, we understand, Your Divine Grace, that at this point in time, you as the titular or the actual head of the Krishna movement in the world, you have no successor when you move into another dimension; that from the masses, from the disciples that you have throughout the world, someone will rise to take your place when you move to another world?

Prabhupada: Not someone, but so many, because I am teaching all the students to work. In future. I may die, but the movement will go on, because all these young boys and girls, they are complete in knowledge of this Krishna consciousness movement. So it cannot be stopped.” (Radio Interview)

Devotee: It seems like Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu preached in India, but he left the rest of the world for you.

Prabhupada: Yes, and for you.” (Morning Walk, Vrindavana)

Mahasini Devi Dasi:

They named you ‘fearless’ – a name you proved in time Leaving alone to America to teach a goal sublime

In the vastness of this world; in the depth of time and space We did not earn your company; it is solely Krishna’s Grace

We pray to serve your mission, we pray to never fall To have you as our Ever Well Wisher is the greatest gift of all”

Atmananda das:

When I think of how much you ‘suffered’ in serving Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada’s will and desire, I feel embarrassed that I consider my challenges so seriously.

You had no effective support from your wife; you were gored by a bull in Delhi; you ‘failed’ to establish anything in India (like in Jhansi); you experienced terrifying, life-threatening heart attacks on the Jaladuta; you were apparently alone in the US, with no support from your God-brothers (in fact, terrible criticism from some); your typewriter and Gita manuscript were stolen, you had to tolerate a harrowing attack from a drug-crazed, wild, and threatening hippy, as well as the dominant atmosphere of a terribly degraded Kali-yuga city already hell-bent on destroying everything you stood for!!

The qualities you manifested to go through all of that, and not flinch or deviate for even a split second from absolute, unwavering faith in the words of your Guru Maharaja are reassuring and strengthening for me!”

Pancharatna das:

From a distant shore Cross a perilous ocean You ventured alone Fueled by devotion

And faith in the power Of the Lord’s Holy Name To penetrate the darkness And defeat Maya’s game

That had captured us all With an illusion of happiness, In a prison of ignorance A fool’s paradise.

That faith was so strong So deep and so wide It brought forth miracles On the Lower East Side

Of that citadel of Kali The great city of New York A capital for materialism A playground for its sport

Now become fertile ground To receive the transcendental seed Of Lord Chaitanya’s movement To bring Kali to his knees

And rescue the whole world From the iron grip of sin Through ISKCON in New York Your battle did begin

And, though I have no qualities To aid you in your mission You allowed me in your service And drew out some contribution

Using this unworthy soul You showered me with grace And gave me a second birth Here in ISKCON’s birthplace

You gave me purpose Like a puppet in your hands Lifted up from my slumber You pulled me into your dance

Now, I pray I can keep going While there’s still life in these old bones To dance in your sankirtan party Calling all to come home

And leave behind this hopeless place Of never-ending strife and return to Krishna consciousness For this, I give you my life.

Vishnugada dasa:

Dear Srila Prabhupada, please help me today and every day truly recognize and imbibe the importance of that phrase you spoke in July of 1971: ‘Do you think you can follow me?’ Let me rededicate myself to actively and diligently seeking out your example and guidance on all matters, both spiritual and apparently mundane. To genuinely try to understand, accept, appreciate, and follow that which you have carefully and magnanimously given. If I can do that, I am confident that one day with a purified heart, free from envy, I will have the chance to truly please you and in so doing please Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”

Sankarshan Dasa Adhikari:

To truly become jagad-guru means that I must become 100% free from all material desires. This is a humongous challenge that I am working on every day. I truly have a long way to go. Thus, I am begging you, my most beloved Srila Prabhupada, that I can take birth after birth here in this material world until I become fully qualified to deliver all the fallen souls who are suffering here in the cycle of birth and death back to home, back to Godhead.”

Yadubara Das and Visakha Dasi:


A young woman chose to join a young friend in Mumbai It might have been otherwise. The two spent a month in the simple, sweet village of Vrindavan. It might have been otherwise. They heard from Srila Prabhupada. His followers befriended them.

Decades passed, they married, They photographed, they filmed. It might have been otherwise. They made movies and wrote books and articles and their children grew and they served for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. May it never be otherwise.”

Anuttama Dasa:

Over time, tremendous influence, fame, and resources came to you. Within a dozen years you had thousands of disciples, millions of books in print, hundreds of properties, and millions of dollars at your disposal. You personally met—and boldly advised—Prime Ministers, Governors, Chief Ministers, Senators, Mayors, Cardinals, rock stars, professors, activists, artists, yogis, millionaires, and more.”

You stayed at the homes of some of the wealthiest families in India. But, you were not influenced by their wealth; instead you boldly taught them Krishna bhakti. You rose early in the morning no matter what to translate your books. You bore the endless barrage of visitors asking immature and even offensive questions. You insisted on living in humble quarters, near your disciples. You wore simple cloth. You accepted expensive gifts as expressions of love…and gave them away to others within hours or days.

As time passed, you had Manors, Palaces, and mansions dedicated to your name and your service, but you never were affected by such honors. You continued to remind us that you were ‘simply’ the humble servant of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, and that all credit was his alone.”

Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON will continue to grow. We too, will face the challenges of success, influence, power, and the loss of leadership (and being thrust into leadership). Please let us be humble instruments in your hands so that we can shoulder these burdens without stumbling.”

Manjuali dasi:

Through prayer, japa meditation, serving my Lordships, reading your holy books, and sharing the Bhakti path with others, I experience your blessings and encouragement daily.”

Rupa Vilasa dasa:

We should always remember the danger of maya’s influence and endeavor to save ourselves from her great power. We must therefore always merge in the transcendental mellow of kirtana-rasa, for kirtana-rasa is the safest situation within this material world.” [Srila Prabhupada in Songs of the Vaishnava Acharyas]

Gokulananda Das:

Thank you, Srila Prabhupada for always being our ever-well-wisher, and for convincing us through your personal example to always stick closely to the perfect instructions of guru and Krishna. Thus we want to keep thanking you everyday of our lives for saving us from untold suffering, by gathering us all together into the ongoing miracle of Lord Chaitanya’s Golden Age of His Sankirtan Movement, which is visibly pushing back Kali’s darkness.”

Janakaraja das:

We understand that if one dreams of the spiritual master it is not an ordinary dream but rather his actual association. When I had newly joined your ISKCON I dreamt of you one night.

You were sitting on some tatami mats in a large room. I was the only other person in the room. Somehow you indicated to me that I should attack you. I know it sounds crazy, even offensive and indeed that is what I thought in the dream and initially refused to do so. You insisted however that I attack you and after all you are my spiritual master so how could I refuse. Now at some point in my life I had been a boxer and at the time of the dream I was a young man in the height of physical strength and I guess I attacked with a certain amount of pride in my physical strength. Following your order, I approached you running, not sure of how this would develop. With one hand you deflected me completely and threw me across the room. I got up, dusted myself off and became more determined to press home my attack. OK, that was just playing, now we shall see. You invited me to try with a nonchalant come-on wave of your fingers. Again with one hand you threw me across the room so that I landed with my ego and body (subtle) somewhat battered. When the same thing happened again I realised that here I was attacking a Maha-Bhagavata who was also a Maha-Rathi. Someone who was so superior to me in all respects that all I could do was bow down again and again.”

Ali Krishna:

Now, whenever I think back to those days I cannot find proper words to express the awe and wonder that arose in me and in those who saw you work so intensely all day and night by preaching, inspiring devotees and guests, dictating letters, translating, writing purport, giving cooking lessons, chanting, singing and meditating in absolute concentration – all these activities perfectly accomplished in the middle of all kind of disturbances.”

Is there a more evident proof of the authenticity of your compassion? Who would wake up in the middle of the night, after a busy day to work on such complex books of knowledge for the benefit of humanity? Who would be ready to sustain such an amount of travels and discomforts at the venerable age of eighty just to make people understand the value of human life and teach them how to live in the proper way?”

I can recall how enthusiastic you were when we told you that we had arranged your public conference in one of the most prestigious hotels in Rome. Actually we were a bit worried that people may not be interested and would not show up, but when you finally entered the large conference hall, about a thousand were present, even sitting on the floor, in the aisles, standing up, leaning on the wall, everyone eager to see you and hear your words. Soon your sweet compassion and pure knowledge entered deep into their hearts, and as a result many of them started coming regularly to the temple and offering services, and some became full time devotees.”

During the whole week with us, you tolerated all inconveniences, without saying a word about our inadequate hospitality, lack of facilities and unqualified service. On the contrary, before starting for Geneva – next stop in your world tour – you thanked all of us and said: ‘Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is very pleased with your efforts in establishing a center in Rome. He will personally take you by hand and bring you with Him.’ By hearing those words of encouragement we were both stunned and submerged by ecstatic feelings.”

One of your disciples, Tribhuvanath Das told us of an incident which took place shortly after you installed the beautiful deities of Radha London-isvara. You were sitting on the vyasasana giving a short lecture and you stated, ‘So now, we have captured Krishna, and He is so merciful that all you need to do is come before Him and receive His mercy’. Then you began crying uncontrollably, so much so, that tears were squirting from your eyes and wetting those devotees who were sitting by your lotus feet.”

Srutakirti prabhu told us a story about some sannyasi who had fallen down and left the movement. Although he was rather bitter and critical of many things, he still had a big attraction for prasadam so he would come to the temple restaurant almost every day. Only one mataji was kind enough to speak with him most days and tried to encourage him. One day as he was standing outside waiting for the restaurant to open a car drove up and who should emerge from the car except Your Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Instead of walking straight into the temple room where 100s of devotees were waiting to greet you, you chose to walk straight over to this fellow (ex-sannyasi) and ask how he was doing. Then you asked him, ‘Can you please come and cook for me each day while I am here?’ He was very reluctant but after you asked him three times he finally agreed. And so it was for many days this fortunate soul came each day to cook for you being assisted by the mataji who had also been kind to him. So thank you, Srila Prabhupada, for another great example of your wonderful compassion and mercy.”

Another one of your saintly qualities Srila Prabhupada was your amazing power of discernment. You could face almost any situation, any problem, whether managerial or otherwise and find a very quick solution. This showed us that you were directly communicating with the Paramatma, Lord Sri Krishna. You could also quickly analyse an audience to deliver a suitable lecture which would inspire or arouse them into the correct action for pleasing the Lord. It was never just a fanatical sermon but a lecture which touched our hearts and made us feel like Krishna was directly speaking to us, guiding our day to day lives. We miss that personal guidance of yours so much Srila Prabhupada and no-one has ever replaced you in that role.”

Although you stressed so much on preaching it was equally important to be hospitable with any guest who visited the temple. You would often spend ten or fifteen minutes talking with a guest about their business or occupation before even trying to preach to them. It was also very important that they had some prasadam before they suddenly decided to leave. I had seen this personally in Bhubaneswar when you would call for prasadam for your private guests. It also had to be first-class prasadam with four different dishes. You were quite contented to just sit back and watch your guests eating prasadam. Two very wealthy business men came to see you and immediately you called for some prasadam. When I brought two plates of prasadam into your room they placed those plates to one side, preferring to speak with you instead. But you insisted ‘No you can eat now’ and so they had to eat. This was your mercy for them, no big preaching, just Krishna prasadam. On your instructions we were feeding up to 200 people every day the same excellent quality four-course prasadam.”

“‘Preaching is the essence’ we have heard so many times, and we assume that only means book distribution, preaching and lecturing. However, when you were asked this question in a room conversation at New Vrindaban, ‘So now, our men should all go out for preaching?’ you responded with ‘Some of our men can go for preaching, but this, THIS is our REAL preaching ……. you develop this farm community and people will see from your example’.”

Gauragopala Dasa:

So everyone can know that independence (free will) means one can use it properly, or one can misuse it. That is independence. If you make it one way only, that you cannot ever fall down, that is not independence. That is force.” (Mayapur, June 20, 1973)

Janmanalaya Dasa and Isvari Devi dasi:

From Vaikuntha you reached out to us and somehow or other you touched my heart which was only open to the sweet illusions of this world. You advised not to find shelter in day dreams, in the illusion of a carefree existence in this world, no. But to look beyond and beneath the many layers of indoctrinations about who we are and who we should be. There, beneath all these layers lies the original self, the Krishna given personality. You encourage us to simplify our cluttered external existence, which separates us from the deep and eternal person we are. You encourage us to live from the burning core of our hearts.”

With your fatherly guidance we rediscover our original selves, through service and through compassion for others.”

Sakshi Gopala dasa:


The patchwork streets are grey and bleak— And aching for reprieve From Kali-yug’ agendas That continue to deceive, Yet some who’ve wandered up and down Are drawn towards a sound That touches something long forgot, Elusive and profound.

There’s something that reverberates Around the bars and pubs, The restaurants and alleyways, The theatre queues and clubs. From shopping mall to city square It touches heart and mind— Stirring long-neglected consciousness That yearns to be defined.

Some stand in deep amazement. Some film it on their phone To share with friends and family— This transcendental zone Where sacred song and mantra Bring a long awaited prod, Uplifting Kali-yuga streets With Holy Names of God...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Fifty years of harinam How times and faces change. Police arrests were commonplace, Sometimes it seemed deranged When courts would fine the devotees For conduct unbefitting, While from the crowds the yobs would come With punches, kicks, and spitting.

Illuminated rickshaws Now compete with bus and cab. Shop window’s giant plasma screens Are anything but drab, Where fashions and technologies That no-one could have guessed Are promising Utopia To lure the dispossessed.

Police now watch approvingly And offer their protection. At times they even tap their feet Or nod in our direction, As month by month and year by year The crowd’s appreciation Has grown—from half a century Of sacred celebration...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

The kirtan rings out loud and clear Along the crowded street And passersby are drawn in As they’re caught up in the beat— The ringing of the kartals And the rhythm of the drum— Where hymns of primal purity Are shining like the sun.

Sometimes they dance like madmen In a frenzy of excess, In pulsing energetic tides The darkness can’t repress— And touched by chimes of sacred sound They feel a joyous mood; After lifetimes of starvation, Now the soul has found its food...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Some people stand, eyes gently shut, As if in yogic trance, Their blissful smiles of deep response Invite a second glance; While others move so gracefully, Like poetry in motion, To the chorus of the Holy Name

That beckons their devotion.

The smiling face of young and old Is guaranteed to please. Such reawakened innocence Enlivens devotees From homes and temples, near and far, Who’ve joined the yuga-dharma That purifies the heart and mind From cataracts of karma...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

So many people here and there, From diverse creeds and races Who’re attracted to the kirtan Have no time for holy places. For atheist and cynic Church and temple’s out of bounds— Yet some confide they’re deeply moved When harinam’s around.

Some passersby participate While others walk away. Each to their own. The seed is sown To sprout another day. The kirtan’s not to please the crowd, But please the Supreme Lord— Where pure intention wins the day And brings its own reward.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Clapping hands and dancing feet Invoke a deep delight. Some come with tilak on their brow To sanctify the night. And one and all find unity Beyond the mundane frame— A glimpse of transcendental truth By grace of Krishna’s Name.

No politics can enter here. No race card is deployed. The genders are at peace again. The mood is unalloyed. Strangers dance with strangers here, Like long forgotten friends, As they give their breath to inner depths That heal and make amends...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

From older folk with wrinkled brow And fresh-faced under-fives; To school groups, families, tourists, friends And husbands with their wives; From North, South, East and West there’s diverse folk from round the globe Who’re attracted to the Hare Krishna kirtan in the road.

Some respond with eagerness When urged to chant The Name: Hare Krishna” line by line— They think it’s just a game. And so it is, but as they chant And eagerness increases None can gauge what karmic debt The Holy Name releases...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

The potency of Krishna’s Name Is more than we can reckon— The blessing of parampara, Chaitanya’s secret weapon; Non-different from the Lord Himself, He acts in ways unseen To bring us to His lotus feet And wake us from the dream.

The gateway of Gauranga’s love Is moving street to street, Inspiring those who offer books To everyone they meet, Where one-on-one exchanges Often take them by surprise— The books of Srila Prabhupada Transforming people’s lives.

Muslim. Christian. Atheist. They’re purchasing the books: Bhagavad-gita As It Is. —Some only pause to look— But then they’re touched by kirtan And the sense the urgency Of those who bring your matchless gifts To save humanity.

O Prabhupada! The Banner of Gauranga you’ve unfurled; The Kirtan of the Holy Name Has spread around the world. We celebrate and honour Our indebtedness to you— The lifeline of your blessings, Ever there to guide us through.

Your shelter is our life and soul, O merciful acarya. When lovingly invoked, your name Transcends the mental barrier. In helplessness and gratitude, Dependent on your grace, May our service at your lotus feet Reveal your smiling face.

Well wishing friend of every soul Who’ll seek your lotus feet; Who’ll chant Lord Krishna’s Holy Name; Who’ll read your books; who’ll eat The remnants of the Lord’s prasad; Who’ll catch your loving glance— Or participate in harinam And clap their hands and dance.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Around the globe this transcendental Sound vibration flies. Inconceivable, far reaching And unseen by mortal eyes. By Lord Caitanya’s grace, The world is ringing like a bell And where Krishna’s name will touch the tongue— (In ridicule or reverence sung, In marble hall or city slum) The soul is saved from hell.

The Hare Krishna mantra’s Transcendental sound vibration Can purify all hearts, you’ve said, For real United Nations... One God. One Prayer. One Scripture. And One Duty to fulfil— The Service of the Supreme Lord, (The goal of human life restored, Where all may live in one accord) As guided by your will.

May our kirtan be forever blessed, —empowered by your grace— As we chant your pranam mantras Transcendental interface. And may Gaura-Nitai please overlook Our mountain of offences As we beg to serve the Holy Name, (The Lord’s Most Sacred Holy Name Sweet Radha-Krishna’s Holy Name) Devoid of all pretences...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Adideva das:

Some statements were off putting: (You make mistakes, you cheat, your senses are imperfect, you are in illusion). But when pondered, I saw their truth.”

Krishna Kamala Devi Dasi:

You changed people with no interest in Bhakti or devotion and by your mercy made them into wonderful devotees of the Lord.”

I am incapable of putting in words my appreciation for you and how much you did in old age and with poor health. Tears come to my eyes when I think of your kindness, compassion and how much you have done in such a short time.”

Bhrgupati Dasa:

Your teachings are what brought me to Krishna consciousness, have kept me in Krishna consciousness and have motivated me to try to share it with others for the past 51 years.”

Arjuna Das:

Even I am one of the least among Your faithful, dear Srila Prabhupada, but in Your words I have always found solace, in Your guidance I find direction, shelter, fulfilment and hope.”

The simple yet profound truths you share resonate within, guiding millions on their spiritual journey.”

A more loving, benign, gracious and beloved person can never be found in this world more than You Srila Prabhupada, the true preceptor of everyone.”

Just today I was fondly remembering a few times when You chanted ‘Jaya Radha Madhava’ before Srimad-Bhagavatam classes in LA and how Your Divine Grace would go so deep into ecstatic trance being transported to the spiritual atmosphere taking us along with You! Time just stood still during those special moments and felt like forever. Tears! Goosebumps! Rapture! What mercy we were all immersed in by Your ecstasies, dear loving Srila Prabhupada.”

Govardhan dasi:

Sri Govinda, Krishna, origin of all, to make a home for wayward souls, In the covered portion of His space, lies down. This supine form a portion of His might And love; let’s not forget He’s doing this to help us. As He breathes do universes flow.

Inside the egg-shell domes – the worlds – a further Lord reclines, and, Without wife, produces he who will become the leader of our line. It’s dark; the just-created being is alone. He struggles some, then gives his mind to meditate, Some thousand celestial years.

There is no guru to be seen, But there within the meditator’s heart will Krishna, adi-Guru, show him all. Reveal the truth, the spiritual world, the home of blessed souls Whose joy is service. Reveal the role that Brahmaji will play.

The message must be handed down the ages here. Like a mango ripened by the sun. Not dropped, for mango trees are high! From hand to hand be handed down. Across the ages, on and on, to souls. The message is: ‘Come home!’

From time to time, as time rolls round, within this universe where time controls, The age of Kali rears its head. The wand’ring souls who yet remain are challenged, Lacking time and peace and luck and memory. And so the message must be written down.

Vedavyas, the avatar, is with this duty charged. And from his name we take such words as ‘vyasasan’, ‘vyas-puja’.

Like the viceroy gets some honour: presents, letters, contributions – Not a single pinch he’ll touch – sends it to the royal hoard. Prabhupad’s the same. The honour, contribution, all the feelings, All the offerings go to Krishna through the line of the preceptors, Off they go ‘from downward to the upward’.”

The example is given in this verse… davanala is the Sanskrit word. The English equivalent is forest fire…. Nobody has got any interest to set fire in the forest, but it takes place automatically…. So this example is given to this materialistic life as a forest fire because nobody wants any disturbance, but disturbance is created.”

Kantimati Dasi:

To leave this insane game and chant the holy name, rise above this mundane plane and know your transcendental fame...and relish the love you brought from so high above, for this I yearn to learn.”

I pray for the desire and ability to follow your simple instructions to ‘Chant and BE Happy’!”

Badarayana Das:

There is one anecdotal pastime that is super impressed upon my consciousness. You were alone with one of your leading disciples discussing many things. Then you became silent. A divinely saturated auric energy descended upon the room. There was a purplish hue infused with the spiritual energy as if Vaikuntha had descended. You said to your disciple Bhavananda, ‘you know I did not want to come here.’ He queried, ‘you mean to the West Srila Prabhupada?’ ‘No, to this material world’ you replied. ‘But Krishna told me, ‘you just go and write those books, write those books. And I will arrange everything. Just write those books and I will take care of the rest’”

Srila Prabhupada is there with Lord Krishna in the spiritual world, and he is given a direct order from God to descend into this realm of duality and suffering to deliver the message of Godhead in the form of the Bhaktivedanta purports. Amazing!”

Once, an intelligent woman and her friend walked up to me at Rockefeller Center in New York with deliberate intention. I had been doing sankirtana there for many years, after legalizing it with much ordeal. She said to me, ‘If you could be anything or anyone in your next lifetime who or what would you be?’ I was struck by the depth of the question and I answered in kind. I then inquired, ‘Why do you ask?’ She replied, ‘Because one year ago at this exact same spot you asked me the exact same question!’ I immediately recalled how I was using that line to introduce Beyond Birth & Death to people. ‘So then what happened?’ I asked. ‘You gave me one of those books’. ‘You mean this one?’, as I pulled out Beyond Birth & Death. ‘Yep, that’s the one,’ she said. ‘And how did that go?’ I inquired. ‘It totally changed my life! I began the process and have complete faith in Srila Prabhupada’s teachings which I now practice. And I wanted to come find and thank you for selling me this book of knowledge, it was what I was always looking for.’ Needless to say I was deeply moved and felt the great mercy of Srila Prabhupada on this soul and my great fortune for being allowed to be a humble instrument.”

Oh my Gurudeva, you once said, ‘In material life, one tries to become the master of everything and everyone. In spiritual life, one tries to become the servant of everything and everyone. There is no struggle in becoming a servant but there is great struggle in becoming the master.’”

Duryodhana-Guru dasa:

A powerful wealthy businessman takes his dog out for a walk each evening and patiently waits on him while he is going here and there and passing stool and urine. Why would such an important man waste his time with a dog? He does this out of love for his dog. And Krishna remains waiting for us as individuals for the same reason.”

Praghosa Dasa:

Having forgotten our relationship with Krishna, we were erring into this dark hole of material existence, having no hope of relief from the pangs of threefold miseries. You spoke liberating words and thus gave us a chance to rekindle our dormant love for the Supreme Lord.

All glories unto you!”

Lord Krishna, the Supreme Cupid, is always carrying a quiver full of arrows of love which He throws freely to entice the jivas into His Yoga Maya. Likewise, you seduced so many tender-hearted souls with your words and directed them to the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.

All glories unto you!”

When looking at your face and seeing your actions, we could always see that you were thinking of Krishna. Remembering you in this fashion, we have an example to follow. Even in your physical absence you remain our acarya.

All glories unto you!”

Most importantly you were spreading the transcendental knowledge in your books, your classes and conversations. You did that in the fashion of Lord Ananta Who incessantly narrates the infinite pastimes of Lord Krishna. We feel honored to be able to hand those wonderful books to the needy suffering souls.”

Your translations and commentaries of the Gaudiya Vaishnava scriptures elucidate convincingly the ultimate purpose of life. So intellectually I was convinced. Yet, it was your living example that activated me fully as a soul and caused my innate loving devotional energy to function again properly, directed to the proper Person!”

deluded people of this world, without any educated alternatives, often withdraw their energy, not finding anybody or anything worthy of their love and service and they become failures, often dependent on intoxicants, in order to forget and eventually continuing their journey to saṁsara.

Indeed, you, Srila Prabhupada, with your holy personality and transcendental qualities, attracted and directed our talents and energy expertly towards the only recipient capable of reciprocating love unfailingly—Lord Krishna Himself. And in fact, under your guidance, we have found fulfillment and purpose by being joyfully engaged in His devotional service.”

Decades ago, you appeared in my wretched life, uninvited, but so desperately needed.”

Naikatma Dasa:

My struggle is that due to my lack of sincerity, I am constantly distracted by my flickering mind which is only cheating me. But, I know that if I stay close to your words and to your dear servants, even a wretch like myself can be uplifted from this ignorant dark place.”

You dedicated your life to the mission of uplifting us out of this corrupt and fallen society. I can only pray that I may get your mercy and assist you in this mission.

Uttama devi dasi:

I offer my deepest gratitude and respect to you. I am continually amazed how you continue to impact people, day after day, years after your physical absence from this planet. We witness this all the time, as we travel.”

The sheer volume of places you blessed, the souls you impacted, the temples you opened, all the beautiful Deities in which you invited the Supersoul within your heart to reside, the variety of projects you started, the potency of the words you wrote, spoke and translated, the example you set with your sadhana, along with your dedication to following the order of your guru, are beyond phenomenal.

You would have been great even if you only performed a few of the above feats. It is humanly impossible that you have accomplished all this. I am in awe.”

Your greatest feat in my eyes, is the causeless mercy you have shown me. I thank you again and again. Please bless me that I may somehow share that mercy with others.”

Parividha dasa:

It’s all thanks to you That should be our point of view All glories to you Are overdue”

We should be so grateful for All the knowledge that we received All the things that you achieved Thanks to you Prabhupada”

Vaisesika Dasa:

A Godbrother once told me that each disciple runs behind their spiritual master, because their spiritual master is also running, as a disciple, behind their spiritual master. And all devotees are thus running after Krishna, the supreme spiritual master.”

Success comes from a series of tiny victories; some of them so small that they are hardly noticeable. When I read a single page of any of Srila Prabhupada’s books I count it as one of those victories. A page is so thin that I cannot measure it. But by turning one page at a time, and not stopping, I finish a whole book.”

Whenever there is a problem to be solved, a task to be performed, a project to be conceived, or a decision to be taken, unless you intervene within my intelligence to mercifully guide me, I remain a hopeless struggler.”

Krishnavesa dasi:

“‘I like it here [at the Manor],’ I told her [Purnachandra] eventually—getting ready to change the subject—‘but I don’t know about that high secure fence that runs all around the place. It cuts us off from the rest of the world.’

What high secure fence?!’ Purnachandra exclaimed. ‘There’s nothing like that round this place! You’re free to walk out of here any time you want!’

Well those words of hers were crystal clear. She was right and I was wrong—and I saw it. The fence was in my imagination—an emotional metaphor for a sense of isolation from material life that I was feeling acutely, like cold turkey, in the spiritual atmosphere of the Manor. I made a mental note to check it out anyway, though, just to be sure—on my way out. But something more profound dawned on me in that moment—a revelation that very soon changed the course of my life forever: I was happy and at home in the temple—that cloistered embassy of the spiritual world—and I was choosing to be there!

Nirantara Dasa & Varuni Dasi:

As he traveled for many days until he reached the Boston Pier he wrote down in his diaryMy Lord Krishna, why have You brought me here?’

After struggling alone Krishna sent him many followers to help him in his mission of printing books on Krishna-consciousness

Krishna is GOD! so let us tell the world by preaching the message he gave to us we’ll be purified”

Ramanatha-sukha das:

It was fifty years ago that you accepted me as your disciple, and I embarked on a long journey of trying to comprehend the incomprehensible, the inconceivable Supreme Personality of Godhead.”

You broke open the storehouse of Krishna Prema, pure love for God, and planted the seed of Divine Love within the hearts of many thousands of lost souls during the turbulent sixties and seventies. The never to be forgotten ‘1967 Summer of Love’ was used as a launching pad for the Hare Krishna Explosion that spread global seeds of Divine Love. You carefully watered and nourished those thousands of sprouting Bhakti Plants. With the intense care of a loving parent, you taught us the genuine science of Krishna (Radha) Consciousness. You alone were empowered to carry out such a sacred order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Only you, Srila Prabhupada, could have accomplished this impossible mission. Every step of the way, the Sweet Lord of Love helped you with His mystical Bhakti Magic.

The Bhakti Magic, initiated by you Srila Prabhupada, is still available. But who will be the Bhakti magicians to fully unveil the Lord’s plan?”

There is now no time left for pettiness, envy, false-ego, and all varieties of delusional thinking. The time is NOW to fully take advantage of the teachings and inspiration of Lord Caitanya and spread the only factual saving grace to the world through your books and temple/farm communities.”

Yadavendra Dasa:

All glories to your global, robust and expert preaching.”

Nikunjavasini devi dasi:

In 1971 in England, you told Tirthasadhaka Prabhu at his initiation, ‘You follow the regulative principles, chant 16 rounds and follow all my instructions, I promise to take you back to Godhead.’”

Just 6 years later in 1977 at the age of 30, just 2 weeks before your departure, this came to pass. He had followed your directions and left his body hearing the Holy Name, meditating on your picture.

This was his great fortune. Most of us have to pass the test of time, and between 30 years and old age, there are many impediments, presented by the material energy to challenge us.”

In 1967 in New Mayapur, you admonished us in a class, ‘Please do not make me come back to save you, you make it this lifetime, I have given everything for you to make it this lifetime!’”

You mentioned in a class on Bg. 13.2–3 in Paris in 1973, ‘So to make a solution we must approach Krishna as guru, or Krishna’s representative. Krishna and Krishna’s representative...they are the same. Therefore Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says, yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah: by pleasing guru, you can please Krishna.

Even Krishna is not pleased, if the guru is pleased, Krishna has to become pleased. Because he’s representative.

“‘Suppose you have given somebody power of attorney to do some business. So after finishing the business, if you see the paper, not very favourable, it has not been done very nicely, still you have to accept, because your representative has signed it. Yes. Therefore yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. Krishna not satisfied, but if your guru is satisfied, then Krishna must be satisfied. This is Krishna’s obligation. Because He has sent His representative.”

In a Letter to Yeager, Dec. 20, 1970 you wrote, ‘If one can please a pure devotee of the Lord, such action means immediate satisfaction of the Lord, even though such a person is not officially qualified to receive the mercy of the Lord.’”

Krsnadasa Kaviraja dasa:

Bhakti Bringha Govinda Maharaja narrates:

“‘When I first met Akiñcana dasa Babaji, I didn’t know what to say. I simply offered my respects saying “Srila Akiñcana Krishna dasa Babaji Maharaj jai.’”

“‘Maharaja then saw that I had a tape player in my hands, and so without my having to say anything he just closed his eyes and he started tapping his hands together and he sang his Mangala Caranam before singing Sri Krishna Chaitanya. And then he started singing the Hare Krishna mantra, and it was like going into another world. He was chanting so beautifully, and it was like each syllable was drenched in bhava and prema.

“‘After about 20 minutes he stopped, and then he looked at me and he said, “I would like to tell you something.” I said, ‘What is that?’

“‘And he said, “I am an old man, and I’ve had a lot of experience in this world. From my experience, I can honestly tell you that there has never been a greater acarya than your spiritual master.”

“‘And when he said that, I became stunned because he was a disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Then he looked up and he said, “There has never been an acarya in history who has performed miracles like your spiritual master (Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada).”

“‘And then he paused and he looked at me, he said, “Do you know why?”

“‘I was so stunned, I couldn’t say anything. And he said, “Because in history there was never a greater servant of Sri Krishna’s Holy Name than your spiritual master, because your spiritual master had so much absolute understanding of Sri Krishna’s Holy Name and so much absolute faith in Sri Krishna’s Holy Name that he personally carried Sri Krishna’s Holy Name through the length and the breadth of the world. Therefore, he is the greatest acarya who has ever existed.”’”

Nirmala Devi Dasi:

I had no idea how deep and greatly significant this initiation was when you handed me my beads. Daily, I remain chanting on those very beads. What I did understand in the core of my being was that you were my master, father, and teacher.”

Aja dasa:

While the other philosophies just gave me more questions, Bhagavad Gita As It Is, not only answered all my questions, but gave me answers I didn’t even have questions for.

While I stood there, you looked into my eyes, hardly for a moment, but that gaze was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was as if it penetrated every cell of my body, right down to my toes. THAT was Your Divine Grace, and to this day I have never forgotten it. Nor have I forgotten the blissful experience of receiving Gayatri Mantra and the Sacred Thread from you in your quarters in Vrindavana in 1975. It was as if I had entered the Spiritual Realm itself, with you sitting as The Divine Master of it all.”

Jagadvira Dasa:

So Krishna consciousness is the medicine for the material disease and chanting Hare Krishna mantra sincerely is the basic ingredient of that medicine.”

We were used to not trusting anyone, but we placed our trust completely in your hands, and you reciprocated by placing your trust in us exponentially.”

There is a beautiful story that confirms your sincerity and genuineness as an authentic spiritual master.

In the very early years, in Mumbai, an old acquaintance of yours approached you, and seeing so many good and experienced western boys who obeyed you blindly, he told you that it would be an excellent deal to create a business opportunity from all this; to earn a lot of money.

This is a pretty obvious thing in this material world, using your knowledge and potential to make a lot of money and then enjoying the fruits that come from it.

You replied to him, ‘How can I deceive these good boys, they have put their trust in me, how can I disappoint them?’

This is the state of mind that you left us.

This sincerity and genuineness of yours that you wanted to grow within us too.”

Nartaka Gopala Dasi:

One day all devotees went on a parikrama to Radha Kunda. There were several buses, and one of them broke down when we arrived at Radha Kunda. The men did their parikrama ahead of the ladies, and then they all left to return to Vrindavana. Meanwhile, us ladies were one bus short so we requested all women with children to go first and those of us without kids would wait till the bus was repaired. We had to wait two hours for the bus.

When the men returned to Vrindavana, you asked them, Srila Prabhupada, ‘Where are all the women?’ One of them said he heard that a bus had broken down. You immediately became alarmed and sent one devotee to the police station to see if they had any news about the situation. Whereas it seemed that the men had not bothered to involve themselves or do anything about it, you set the example by saying. ‘I am concerned that when I am gone the women will not be taken care of.’

Thank you for taking such good care of us with your loving concern. It still touches my heart almost fifty years later.”

“‘The more people will be materialistic, the world will be burdened. Therefore there must be war, pestilence, famine, to clear these rascals, clear them out.’ (Vrindavan, September 22, 1976)”

Mokshalaksmi Devi Dasi:

I see you as a transcendental Alexander the Great, conquering our hearts with love.”

The first [time I walked with you on procession] being [was] at the London Rathayatra in 1973. Rejecting the seat arranged for you, you had marched, surrounded by your loving devotees, from Marble Arch to Trafalgar Square where the statue of Nelson, placed so high on its column, faded into obscurity compared to you. During this procession I was attempting to sell the specially produced magazine to the crowds. Suddenly, it was as if a bolt of electricity had passed through my body as all the hairs of my body stood on end. Confused, I spun around to find you dancing, arms upraised, almost within touching distance of me, surrounded by devotees chanting ecstatically. I stood in awe of you appreciating the, what I would now call, cosmic experience you had allowed me to have. You were not of this earth, Srila Prabhupada.”

Adikarta Dasa:

I have no other desire than to see the world dance in ecstasy at your lotus feet, and see an oceanic smile on your face.”

Sandamini Devi:

To hear your voice, a penetrating sound Straight from Goloka, homeward bound Your conviction & purpose, so profound A greater treasure cannot be found.

When I’m missing you, I hear you speak When I’m struggling or feeling weak Your instructions are what I seek Without your words, life would be bleak.

Your words are frank, no compromise You are speaking the truth, and also advise Your guest may be trying to get a rise You show great qualities, so humble & wise.

New devotees join, soon they are quoting you ‘give up this nonsense of chewing the chewed’ ‘Out of millions, there are only a few’ ‘Make your life perfect, serve God who is blue’

Your purports are written just for this age Tremendous knowledge found on each page We are like actors, as if on a stage Ignoring the soul, only polishing the cage.

You sacrificed your life to give us the Lord Hearing from you, we are frankly quite floored To be given this gift, we truly have scored Let us commit our lives, for the most adored.”

Mahakala Dasa:

I’m writing you this letter in honor of your transcendental Vyasa-puja day, which has been my source of inspiration and the most significant day of my life ever since I came across your wonderful Hare Krishna mission.”

Karnapura Dasa:

In my offering for Vyasa-puja, I want to tell a tale, Of Srila Prabhupada’s essence, beyond the veil. Like Arjuna questioning Krishna, I ponder how, In divine consciousness, one acts in the here and now.

Prabhupada’s life was a tapestry, woven with skill, Contrasting hues of qualities, fulfilling his guru’s will. As acarya, he showed perseverance through thick and thin, Preserving tradition, yet implementing innovation, a new twist he did spin.

In the face of adversity, he stood firm and bold, Even while adapting, his resolve never sold. Hard as a thunderbolt, yet soft as a rose in bloom, His words pierced like arrows, yet eased sorrow’s gloom.

Thinking big, yet conscious of detail in his quest To bring about a world where Krishna’s message would crest. Scholarly and street-wise, a manager supreme, Defeating arguments, like a river’s ceaseless stream.

With depth in his prayers, he sought spiritual grace, But his heart bled for humanity, in every place. In him, these traits converged, a harmonious blend, A Saragrahi Vaishnava from appearance to end.

So as I reflect on his life’s story, I see the divine dance, in all its glory. For in Prabhupada’s being, I find the key, To living in Krishna consciousness, steady and free.”

Nandapatni devi dasi:

The deepest treasures that could ever be, you have afforded us. Our debt of gratitude is to be at your heels, serving your wishes.”

Satyaraja Dasa:

Srila Rupa Gosvami has assured us: bhaktau nrimatrasyadhikarita — Every human being is worthy of bhakti“, a tendency found within the soul itself.”

You are the personified form of para-vidya-vani (the message of spiritual knowledge), which shows all living beings how to perform krishna-bhajana. By the power of your words, which are surcharged with cetana (spiritual consciousness), hundreds of thousands — if not millions — have already become seekers of the highest truth and have engaged themselves in hari-bhajana. This is unprecedented, and can never be surpassed, and yet the seeds you planted continue to grow.”

To give my entire life to your service and Mission will be not enough. It is nothing compared to what you have given me!”

Even on your first meeting with him [your Guru Maharaja] he instructed you to preach this message to the English speaking world. That means he had been waiting for the right person to turn up who could take up this ‘impossible’ task.”

Sriniketan Dasa:

Fast forward to 1976, ten years later, Now your ISKCON owned a skyscraper in Manhattan. There were hundreds of devotees in the temple, and Rathayatra was going to be held, parading down 5th Avenue, the most important street in the most important city of the world.

You rode on Lady Subhadra’s 55 ft tall cart. Hundreds of devotees were chanting and dancing for your pleasure. It was truly miraculous.

The Swami, who in 1965 walked aimlessly around the city with hardly a few pennies in his pocket was now riding down 5th Avenue on a huge cart! It was something to be proud of!

Reflecting and meditating on this makes my hair stand on end. What a chance I had that you accepted me as your disciple.”

You said [in a Srimad-Bhagavatam class in Hawaii], ‘There are many universes and in each of these universes, there are millions of planets. And on every planet there is Srimad-Bhagavatam. And in each Bhagavatam there is mention of our ISKCON movement – where the mlecchas and yavanas are joyfully singing and dancing with the Holy Names in their hearts and on their tongues!’”

Mahavisnupriya dasi:

One time Srila Prabhupada, you were speaking about what an exalted devotee Devahuti was – born a princess, raised in a palace with so many maidservants, jewels, great wealth and a comfortable life.

Yet she married a humble Sage, Kardama Muni, and had to adjust to living in a thatched hut by a river.

She had to do all the cooking, laundering, gathering wood, building fires and other household duties. But she did it all with determination and a cheerful attitude. You remarked first about her positive attitude, when detailing her spiritual progress. First, because of her simplicity, humility developed. That humility grew and produced purity.

Due to her purity, realized spiritual knowledge was bestowed upon her which became spiritual advancement with strong faithfulness—ultimately resulting in her total surrender to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna.

Your words were powerful and each word was landing deeply in my heart, moving me to tears. First, a good attitude. Then simplicity, humility, purity, self-realization, deepening faith, and culminating in full surrender. What a great devotee she was, I was thinking. What a great example she was for us all.

I was sitting in the corner furthest away from you at the very back of the room. I had my sari headpiece pulled down over my face, covering my eyes with tears that were flowing down my cheeks while weeping silently.

Then I heard you, Srila Prabhupada, say something astounding, as if you were speaking right to me. You stated just as strongly, ‘These tears are putting OUT the Fire of material existence.’

You repeated it again. ‘These tears are putting out the fire of material existence.’

So I thought maybe some others were crying also.”

Your Bhaktivedanta purports are like the hot sun who clears away the fog. They sweep away the foggy impersonal and nihilist philosophies and establish pure devotional service to Lord Sri Krishna as the ultimate Vedic conclusion.”

Lord Sri Krishna is your shelter, Your true love for Him is pure, That is why you fear no one And your triumph is assured.

All the saints, sadhus and bhaktas, Of all castes, sects and creeds, Bow down at your holy feet, In awe of your stunning deeds.

That’s true not just for us, sisyas, But it’s true for all those who Are not blinded by false ego And are not envious of you.

Inspired by your pure devotion To Lord Krishna’s Holy Name Many are following your footsteps Gaining their spiritual fame.

For the pleasure of Sri Krishna, In this transcendental race, You shine on above the victors; Prabhupada! His Divine Grace!”

Isvaripati Dasa:

I thought back to ‘our moment’ in 1975 in Chicago, where I was mentally yelling at you to give me a sign of your validity as you began Srimad-Bhagavatam class. You had of course heard me and appeared to be a bit disturbed by the mental commotion I was making. You looked directly at me, and I immediately understood that you did hear me. As so many others have said, I felt as though you looked right through me. Thank you so very much for that moment!”

Drutakarma Dasa:

The time and place of your appearance in this world are worthy of celebration for me, because they made it possible that you could appear in my life. Exactly when and where was that? Was it in Berkeley in the late 1960s, as I was running down Telegraph Avenue, with tear gas burning my eyes, being chased by club-wielding police, along with other demonstrators, and I noticed your followers chanting the Hare Krishna mantra on the other side of the street? Or was it later, when I was sitting on a park bench in St. Petersburg, Florida, and I was approached by a girl in a sari, who offered me a copy of your Back to Godhead magazine, and I refused to take it? Or was it when I accepted a copy of your Bhagavad-gita As It Is from your followers after giving them a donation at a Grateful Dead concert, and saw for the first time your name His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder-acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness? Or was it when I ordered a subscription to your tape ministry and heard for the first time your illusion shattering voice? Or was it in 1974 in New Vrindaban when I first saw you in your physical form? Whenever and wherever it happened, your appearance in my life is and always will be its most significant event.

I pray that I do not misuse the opportunity you have mercifully given me, to render you some service.”

Aniha Dasa:

Srila Prabhupada’s preaching success was unprecedented. It is said the first senior devotee to declare Srila Prabhupada as the saktyavesa avatara of Lord Nityananda was his godbrother, Srila Bhakti Vichar Jajavar Maharaj, who had been present at Srila Prabhupada’s samadhi ceremony and, returning to Nabadwip, conveyed his realisation to his godbrothers; Srila B. R. Sridhara affirmed his statement as truth and, as the most respected among the godbrothers, his affirmation that Srila Prabhupada was the saktyavesa of Lord Nityananda became accepted by all the senior disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura.”

Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.5.32 tells us that worship of Gauranga is achieved by the process of Harinama Sankirtana. By Harinama Sankirtana, Srila Prabhupada made the Hare Krishna movement known all over the world. Srila Prabhupada, may we always remain insignificant servants in your mission to bring Harinama Sankirtana to every town and village.”

Hansarupa Dasa:

I remember hearing your statement, as you were preparing to conclude your manifest pastimes and return to your beloved Lord, ‘don’t be surprised who leaves, be surprised who stays.’ At the time it was difficult for me to comprehend all of what you meant by foretelling that scenario, but I took it to mean that one’s perseverance and tolerance would be tested. So, I prayed to you and begged for the resolve to be determined, not a deserter who leaves the field of battle.

So many justifications have been put forward to excuse one’s departure from your beloved ISKCON, for this reason or that. But it comes down to this; it is always our choice whether to stay or to leave.

Atitaguna Devi Dasi:

The spiritual process is austere but so relishable.”

Palaka Dasa:

This story was told by one Russian devotee, whose uncle was a Soviet Army officer. In 1965 there was a cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union. At some point it was going to become a real war. Ballistic missiles were ready from both sides to attack. Everything was set up – which missile flies to which part of the United States. For each missile a separate red button. This devotee’s uncle said they had been told that the war would start 99.99% for sure.

They were ready, sitting at the control, not sleeping for 24 hours. His hair became white that night. Finally, they got an order – the missile launch was cancelled. It was a great relief!!!

Later, his nephew became a devotee and gave him a Prabhupada biography book. He started reading it and at one moment called his devotee nephew in great excitement. He said he remembered that day at the missile controls very vividly. And that just now in the Prabhupada biography book, he read that the very day the missile launch was canceled in 1965 was the exact same day Srila Prabhupada first stepped on the land of the United States of America!!”

Jayagauri devi dasi:

Thank you for the wisdom to see the modes of nature acting, knowing that I, the spirit soul, am the observer. It is such a relief to know I am not this body, I am spirit, part and parcel of Sri Krishna!”

Yogindra dasa:

“… Sthane sthitah sruti-gataṁ tanu-van-manobhir. Sthane sthitah. You, whatever you are, there is no need of change, because it is very difficult to change position. Better remain your position, but you hear about Krishna. That is our movement — Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.25.44, December 12, 1974, Bombay.”

Ananda Dasa:

Maha Bhagavata, a pure devotee Torchlight of knowledge, for all to see Guru Master Loving Guide Your lotus feet calms our pride

On His order you came to the West Regulative principles a telling test Bhakti yoga and sixteen rounds Distinguishing humans from the hounds

Accepting the most fallen to spread the Holy Name Without your mercy we are inept and lame We pray for help to achieve the goal Magnanimous endeavor cleaning the coal

Amazing acarya and Krishna’s dear friend Surrendered disciples and those who pretend Time is pulling and you know the score Please, I am begging for just one more

O Master, O Lord, Krishna has sent Not too long you came and went Books and instructions your presence is here Holding on tightly nothing to fear

Shower your mercy upon this motley crew Lotus or mace you know what to do Handle us roughly with your embrace Hoping to see you in the next place.”

Tamra Dasi:

Though you have spread the sunlight of Krishna Consciousness to multitudes of humanity, you still appear as the closest guardian to each one of us. Closer than our eyelids, you watch over us, protecting our faith and making it grow. Your loving guardianship is the armor that protects us in our quest for eternal loving service through so many obstacles.”

Karunaksi dasi:

You are the gift from God that blessed the story of our lives!

The Thakura’s empowered mission to awaken the world from its sleepy, sinful state required divine intervention by the right person—going to the West—for reaching all the world…!!

“…You were that person, Srila Prabhupada!!—Nitai’s choice for taking to the West Sri Gaura’s firm Order: that only by immersion in the transcendental Names of God can freedom to love be won by us bound souls.

Saranagati at your dear lotus feet, my only prayer—your divine way—Thus you continue to arrest and move me forward with your grace.

I try to hold my little candle to the shimmering glory of your divine projection of pure love on this sad world!”

Kilimba dasi:

At 13, though Your glance was grave, it was felt by my soul as most kind.”

In Matchless Gifts (p. 24) you state:

If we want Krishna, He will give us a chance to have Him, and if we don’t want Krishna, He will give us a chance to forget Him. If we want to enjoy life forgetting Krishna, forgetting God, Krishna will give us all facility so that we can forget, but if we want to enjoy life in Krishna consciousness, Krishna will give us the chance to make progress.’”

Shyamasundara Dasa (Jyotisi):

Christ only had 12 disciples and preached for three years, yet it had a profound impact felt even today, 2000 years later. While you preached for 12 years with thousands of disciples and most importantly all your books.”

While the number of your followers is small in comparison to Christians, Muslims, and atheists (Marxists) the impact of your message is greater than theirs, and already having a remarkable effect. Why? Because of the superior knowledge contained in your profusely distributed books.”

Nrisimha Das:

No more complaints about petty things and just rejoice in the blessing that I receive by trying to be your disciple.”

Ankottha Dasa:

Even though you did so much in such a short time and was so astoundingly successful you did not take any credit for it. You said it was simply the mercy and kindness of your Guru Maharaja upon you and, if there was any credit you could claim, it was simply that you strictly followed the instructions of your Guru Maharaja. Thus, you set the highest standard of humility. A standard that we, all your followers, now have as a shining amulet that will protect us as we endeavor to purely act as your servants delivering Lord Chaitanya’s message as widely as possible.

Srila Prabhupada, I am very fallen and wretched and devoid of any good qualities and on this day, I beg that you grant me the strength with which to firmly grip the rope of your mercy so that I can continue to be pulled closer to the shelter of your lotus feet.”

Damodara Dasa:

King Of My Heart

What does it matter how much I know – philosophical heights, demons below. Unless I serve you all is lost. Dear Sri Guru, I’ll pay the cost, walk away from treasures gathering dust, material pleasures of greed-anger-lust. It’s inconsequential, all destruction. My only life is your instruction to do what you do – save the souls caught up in illusory material roles. What else can I offer you? This is all – my bittersweet longing to hear your call to come to the temple and your vyasasana seat and bow down forever at your lotus feet. Even eternity is not long enough to give all you deserve of faithful love. Oh Bhaktivedanta, King of my heart! You are my goal and you’re where I start.”

Jiva Pavana Dasa:

Thank you for the holy names and saving me in the 70s. You have guided me always from within and through your books. I pray that you continue to send me good association so that I can advance in devotional service.”

After so many lifetimes of crying out of pity for ourselves and others, we begin to cry for truth – for the lasting solution and lasting love. The Caitya Guru within our heart hears our sincere call and guides us to you, the bona fide spiritual master. Srila Prabhupada, you were also wandering in this world looking for us, and you were prepared to go to any lengths to make the connection. Sometimes you would recognize your disciples before they even knew they were meant to be your disciples! And then, magic happened – you spoke Krishna’s words and we heard.

Amrita Keli Devi Dasi:

In real words you are Jagat Guru, as you have preached the Hare Krishna maha-mantra all over the world and taught the philosophy to everyone without any discrimination. Your selfless, unconditioned love was so prominent that irrespective of different cultures and countries, people became Krishna conscious and were ready to sacrifice everything by listening to your words. Krishna prema overflowed in your heart and that brought a flood to all of the devotees who followed your instructions.”

You are so powerful that many people, despite not following four regulative principles, become pure devotees just by a few days of association with you.”

When I am in my garden I am constantly battling with the bind weed….It is a weed that wraps itself around healthy plants and eventually squeezes and strangles them. It is a graphic illustration of how anarthas and offences can strangle the growth of bhakti. In my heart I pray that my taste for material enjoyment and my offences to the devotees will not strangle my bhakti-lata-bija and that my love and attachment to you and your instructions will remain strong.”

Sarnga Thakur dasa:

An offering of love and wonder.

How is it possible?

After years of preparation – writing and preaching in India, in 1965, a venerable sadhu, apparently alone, crosses the vast ocean, bringing knowledge of Krishna to the West. In this place, the true nature and the personality of the Supreme Lord was virtually unknown.

By his deep unswerving dedication, his purity, potency, and faith – transcendental in all respects, he spread the glorious chanting of Hare Krishna all over the planet.

Over one hundred temples sprang up in faraway places. Millions of books – divine literature – revealed by His Divine Grace, went out to dispel the darkness. Prasadam enriched each starving soul, who accepted the mercy. How was it possible?

Srila Prabhupada has saved countless souls, and continues to do so. Full of divine vision and compassion, he raised those of us practically dead to the realities of spirit and devotion, and gave us the ability to live his instructions and carry on his mission.

He is still guiding, correcting, and empowering us within and without. From the beginning, he carried a timeless tradition and wonderful vision in his heart, that will take generations to fulfill, if ever.

From all points of view, Srila Prabhupada is the answer to how all this is possible. His qualities and character, his expertise, his words and behavior – every aspect of his life, points to his being the empowered representative of the Lord in this age. Krishna has come as the jagat guru, to carry out an otherwise impossible task.”

My upbringing was a difficult one. I was in homes from the age of four, and from six until fifteen, I was in foster care. I rebelled against authority, and I was often in trouble with the law. I was heading for disaster (as Maggie Bonner, a well known palmist from Malvern told me in 1983). She said that someone came into my life in my mid-twenties, and if it weren’t for them I would have been murdered, committed suicide, or be doing life in prison.

Of course you know all of this, Srila Prabhupada. It was you that saved me.

I won’t detail my life story here, but for what it’s worth I owe you a huge debt.

I was serving 3.5 years for hashish importation. I was moved around within the prison system due to my being a Hare Krishna (the vicar feared me as a bad influence), and the fact that I didn’t really fit in. I ended up at HM Prison Camp Hill on the Isle of Wight.

I became the vegetarian cook which still amazes me to this day. I would offer all the meals that I cooked for the vegetarians. I would often chant 50 rounds a day and on some days read for up to seven hours.

I was paroled after two years for good behaviour, and as I walked out through those wooden gates, Rohinandana and Shastra Chaksus were waiting for me. They garlanded me and popped a mangala arati sweet into my mouth. I was free at last!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Srila Prabhupada!!!”