Saturday, September 07, 2024

Travel Journal#20.16: France, Czech Republic, England

Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 20, No. 16
By Krishna Kripa Das
(August 2024, part two)

France, Czech Republic, England
(Sent from
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, on September 8, 2024)

Where I Went and What I Did

The second half of August I was very busy, chanting Hare Krishna in at least eight cities and in three countries. I attended the four-day Balarama Purnima festival in New Mayapur. Harinama Ruci came there and did harinama with New Mayapur devotees in Tours on their Saturday harinama, in Amboise on Sunday, and around New Mayapur dhama on Balarama Purnima. The next day I did harinama in Paris before flying to Prague, where I did harinama one day. Then I attended a four-day rock concert in Trutnov, CZ, where devotees have done kirtan and prasadam distribution for 25 years. In the midst of that we did harinama with Harinama Ruci in the remote town of Teplice nad Metuji. After the Trutnov event were Janmastami in Prague and Vyasa-puja at the Czech farm, returning to Prague for a late afternoon harinama. Then harinama the next day in London and the following three days in Liverpool, culminating in the Liverpool Ratha-yatra on August 31.

I share quotes from Srila Prabhupada’s Srimad-Bhagavatam, his letters, and a morning walk. I share notes on classes by Janananda Goswami, Bhakti Sundara Swami, Mandakini Devi Dasi, Jayagurudeva Prabhu, Bhadra Prabhu, Devaki Devi Dasi, Hari Parisad Prabhu, Varnasrama Prabhu, and Madhusudana Prabhu.

Thanks to my Paris harinama partners, Marat and Priyarani, for their very generous donations. Thanks also to Barbara of Liverpool for her kind donation. Thanks to all the devotees who gave me innumerable rides to auspicious devotional events in Czech Republic. Thanks to Dayananda Swami and the Manchester devotees for hosting me as I promoted and attended the Liverpool Ratha-yatra. Thanks to Rohininandana Prabhu for his ride to New Mayapur and Jiva Prana Prabhu for his ride back to Paris. Thanks to the residents of Liverpool for reimbursing my travel expenses from Manchester by their kind donations on harinama.


September 8: Great North Run harinama (Newcastle)
September 9–11: Dublin
September 11: Radhastami
September 12: NYC Harinam
September 13–26: Albany area (seeing relatives and serving guru)

September 14: memorial service for my mother
September 16–26 Viraha Bhavan
September 22: Quaker meeting and ISKCON Schenectady
September 26–27: Philadelphia
September 28: Philadelphia Ratha-yatra
September 29–January 2025: NYC Harinam

Chanting Hare Krishna in New Mayapur

Jhulan Yatra, the swing festival of Radha-Krishna, is a joyful precursor to Balarama Purnima.

They decorated the ground with colored powders like in Mayapur.

Adikarta Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Jhulan Yatra in New Mayapur (

Janananda Goswami chants Hare Krishna in Guru Puja kirtan in New Mayapur (

Adikarta Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at New Mayapur (

Sandipani Muni Prabhu chants Hare Krishna around New Mayapur

Sandipani Muni Prabhu chants Hare Krishna and other songs at Govardhan Hill in New Mayapur (

Amala Harinama Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Jhulan Yatra in New Mayapur (

Vaishnava youth Hare Krishna kirtan the evening before Balarama Purnima in New Mayapur (

Here are Krishna and Balarama at
mangala-arati on Balarama Purnima.

Here is a close-up of Balarama’s lotus feet.

Krishna and Balarama appeared striking at greeting of the deities and reminded me of this pair of verses by the

The cowherd girls said: O friends, those eyes that see the beautiful faces of the sons of Maharaja Nanda are certainly fortunate. As these two sons enter the forest, surrounded by Their friends, driving the cows before Them, They hold Their flutes to Their mouths and glance lovingly upon the residents of Vrindavan. For those who have eyes, we think there is no greater object of vision. Dressed in a charming variety of garments, upon which Their garlands rest, and decorating Themselves with peacock feathers, lotuses, lilies, newly grown mango sprouts and clusters of flower buds, Krishna and Balarama shine forth magnificently among the assembly of cowherd boys. They look just like the best of dancers appearing on a dramatic stage, and sometimes They sing.” (SB 10.21.7–8)

Devotees chant Hare Krishna in New Mayapur on Balarama Purnima (

Adikarta Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at New Mayapur on Balarama Purnima (

Kavi Chandra Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in New Mayapur during
abhiseka on Balarama Purnima (

After the extensive Balarama Purnima feast, I chanted my mantra for digestion, “I am the fire of digestion in the bodies of all living entities, and I join with the air of life, outgoing and incoming, to digest the four kinds of foodstuff.” (Bg. 15.14)

Nitai Sacisuta Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at New Mayapur on Balarama Purnima during Jhulan Yatra (

Nitai Sacisuta Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in New Mayapur lobby on Balarama Purnima after Jhulan Yatra (

Adikarta Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at New Mayapur on Balarama Purnima evening (

Chanting Hare Krishna in Tours

Varada Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Tours (

Shantatma Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Tours (

Citralila Devi Dasi chants Hare Krishna in Tours (

Jivananda Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Tours

Adikarta Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Tours (

Nitai Sacisuta Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Tours (

Chanting Hare Krishna in Amboise

Rupanuga Bhakti Prabhu chants Hare Krishna with Harinama Ruci in Amboise, France, and people try the mantra (

People were so attracted by the
harinama in Amboise that I distributed the 22 copies of the French “On Chanting Hare Krishna” that I brought, and if I had more I could have distributed probably around 35. I gave out even more invitations to New Mayapur.

One lady was spontaneously attracted by the mantra and also played the shakers and danced nicely. I am sure she would have taken a
Bhagavad-gita if some book distributors had decided to join us on harinama.

Chanting Hare Krishna in Paris

On my last day in Paris this year, this man and his friend were attracted by the chanting and took our free literature and invitations. I told him I'd been to Dehli, Mumbai, Kolkata, and nearby pilgrimage places, and he asked if I'd been to Mathura. He was once in India and visited Mathura, knowing it is associated with Krishna. How rare!

Chanting Hare Krishna in Prague

Vidya Vacaspati Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Old Town Square in Prague (

Vidya Vacaspati Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Prague, and young female passersby dance with devotee women (

Priya-kirti Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Prague

Bhadra Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at the Wednesday night program at Govindas in Prague (

My first day in Prague I saw a friend I had a humorous interaction with. I once asked him how he was. He said not well. I asked why. He said, “There are only two kinds of people who are happy in this world, the paramahamsa and the complete fool, and I am neither!”

Vidya Vacaspati Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Old Town Square on Janmastami, and many dance (

Vidya Vacaspati Prabhu chants Hare Krishna by a Prague bridge on Janmastami, and a mother and daughter dance (

The mother gave a donation, but by the time I tracked down a book to give her in reciprocation, she had left.

Vidya Vacaspati Prabhu chants Hare Krishna, and passersby dance (

Vidya Vacaspati Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Namesti Republicky as the Janmastami harinama ends (

Usually I suffer to a certain extent on the fasting days but this year was the easiest Janmastami I remember, probably because I was very much absorbed in hearing and chanting about Krishna. I gave the morning class, although I had only slept four hours, and several people liked it. I slept for an hour or so, then chanted kirtan with the devotees in the temple room for half and hour and then read chapter six from the Krishna book, the story of Putana. Then I took a twenty-minute nap before harinama. Because the harinama was just an hour and a half, I did another hour and a half on my own. That was the only part that was a little austere, because it was late in the afternoon. I returned to the temple and heard the end of Bhadra Prabhu’s class. Then I took another nap and chanted for half an hour. Then I read the first 22 of the 64 qualities of Krishna from Chapter 21 of The Nectar of Devotion. At 11:30 a.m. they had the final arati, and they broke the fast at midnight.

The curd in the Janmastami sabji at ISKCON Prague was the very best I've had in a long time. It was neither too hard or too soft. They say it comes from the cows at their farm which are Jerseys and have milk with a high fat content.

We went to the farm for Vyasa-puja. Prabhupada disciple, Jayagurudeva Prabhu, was in charge of the abhiseka.

At the Vyasa-puja feast there were 3 curd sabjis, including one left over from Janmastami. 

I photographed one. Devotees tthere have 25 cows and get 100 litres of milk a day. The milk has 13% milk fat instead of the 3.5% in whole milk.

I am so happy we had 10 devotees on
harinama in Prague on Vyasa-puja after an amazing feast at the Czech farm. When I'd only chanted Prabhupāda’s pranams and “Jaya Prabhupāda!” someone gave a donation. Someone said, “Didn't I see you in Yorkshire?” Someone who knew the devotees from LA wanted to have his picture taken with us, and so did another person. An Indian man who'd attended Janmastami in Leipzig, booked a room in Prague, and within two minutes after leaving the hotel he heard the sound of our kirtan. He joined us for the rest of the harinama. As I waited for devotees to get me at the metro station, someone asked to buy Srila Prabhupada’s books. I gave him the card for the temple and told him he could get the books there. I interpret all the nice things that happened as evidence that Srila Prabhupada was pleased that we went out. Thanks to Radhananda Devi Dasi and Aksaya Govinda Prabhu for leading the Hare Krishna chant:

Radhananda Devi Dasi chants Hare Krishna on Vyasa-puja day in Prague (

Aksaya Govinda Prabhu chants Hare Krishna on Vyasa-puja day in Prague (

Chanting Hare Krishna in Trutnov

Day 1

During the Trutnov festival we would chant harinama in the town of Trutnov itself earlier in the day, and then have kirtan on our Krishna Tent stage later on.

Muni Priya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna on harinama in Trutnov, and passersby interact (

Nrsimha Caitanya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Trutnov, and passersby interact (

One lady who pleasantly interacted with us was a flower vendor who donated a flower which she placed on Nrsimha Caitanya Prabhu’s accordion.

After she donated the flower, she raised her arms in the joy of the kirtan.

Sometimes people would interact with our party from their apartment windows.

Posters in the town informed people of the Trutnoff Open Air Festival.

Bhadra Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov on Thursday, and devotees and attendees dance (

Giridhari Puja Dasi chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov, and devotees and attendees dance (

Nrsimha Caitanya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov, and devotees and attendees dance (

Devotees chant Hare Krishna at Trutnov, and an attendee plays whompers (

In addition to kirtan at Trutnov, the devotees who work at Govinda’s in Prague also do prasadam distribution.

They would fry the
pakoras and koftas on site.

One of the servers said that she would see some people come for prasadam four times in one day!

Some people regularly attended kirtan as well.

This young man told me he started coming to Trutnov for the bands and the beer in 2008, and he just visited our camp once or twice. Now he comes and chants and dances several times a day.

This young lady with the glasses lives 20 km away. She came last year, and enjoyed her experience with the devotees and the mantra and thus returned again.

Day 2

Bhakta Tomasz chants Hare Krishna in Trutnov, and two boys chant Hare Krishna and dance (

Tomasz told us,
“On harinama people ask me what I am smoking. I tell them I am smoking the maha-mantra every day.”
I led the Hare Krishna chant that day in Trutnov on harinama, and young ladies play shakers (

Giridhari Puja Dasi chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov, and two devotees dance (

Giridhari Puja Dasi chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov on Friday afternoon, and devotees and attendees dance (

Nrsimha Caitanya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov on Friday, and many dance (

As Nrsimha Caitanya Prabhu continued chanting Hare Krishna there, even more people began to dance, and I took this video (

Brajarani Devi Dasi chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov (

Jagannath Baladeva Prabhu plays guitar, and chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov (

Day 3

Muni Priya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna around the Trutnov site, and many people chant and dance (

While Muni Priya Prabhu chanted Hare Krishna around the Trutnov site, a man on stilts joined and participated for quite some time (

Muni Priya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at the Trutnov main stage as everyone gathers for a group photo (

Viryavan Prabhu chants Hare Krishna and other Vaishnava songs with his band, Bhakti Beats, comprised of Czech and Polish devotees (

Vidya Vacaspati Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov and many dance (

Muni Priya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov late Saturday, and several dance (

Day 4

Bhadra Prabhu chants Hare Krishna and other Vaishnava songs on the main stage at Trutnov, and many dance (

Viryavan Prabhu chants “Govinda Jaya Jaya” with Bhakti Beats at Trutnov on Sunday (

Viryavan Prabhu chants Hare Krishna with Bhakti Beats at Trutnov on Sunday (

Bhakta Bibi chants Hare Krishna (

Yasomati Devi chants Hare Krishna (

Another friend of Punya Palaka Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov (

I also chanted for half an hour the last day of the Trutnov festival in our Krishna Tent. I was happy to see that the number of people visiting our tent increased during my kirtan, so I considered it a success.

Punya Palaka Prabhu plays guitar and chants “Govinda Gopala” at Trutnov, and people play shakers and chant (

Punya Palaka Prabhu plays guitar and chants Hare Kirishna, and people play shakers (

Punya Palaka Prabhu plays guitar and chants Hare Krishna at Trutnov, and people play shakers and chant (

Chanting Hare Krishna in Teplice nad Metuji, Czech Republic

It is rare to encounter kids this age so enthusiastic to chant Hare Krishna and dance on harinama! (

Thanks to Muni Priya Dás, Czech padayatra organizer, for his ecstatic Hare Krishna kirtan in this remote Czech town!

A costumed character also had a great time dancing with us there! (

Muni Priya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Teplice nad Metuji, and a couple chants (

Muni Priya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna with Harinama Ruci, and many chant and dance (

One devotee, originally from this town but now based in Mayapur, sold prasadam at this market day, and he had a greater variety of preparations than we had at Trutnov. 

I went for the veggie burgers because I rarely get them, and although he said he had never made them before, they were great.

Chanting Hare Krishna at the Czech Farm

Punya Palaka Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at the Czech Farm during Vyasa-puja abhiseka (

Chanting Hare Krishna in Liverpool

I did harinama two days to promote Liverpool Ratha-yatra. My experience the first day, when I chanted alone, was amazing. I found people to be the friendliest I’d met in a long time. Indians greeted me with “Hare Krishna” and “Jai Shree Krishna” while others said peace and love,” “this is brilliant,” and Hare Hare.” In 2 hours people gave £10.73 (€12.75 / $14.13) while twice this summer in Paris in 3 hours people gave absolutely nothing! Both Indians and others were happy to hear of Saturday's Ratha-yatra.

The second day Barbara joined me, so we could pass out more invitations.

Aharada Devi Dasi told me that several people came from the invitations we passed out the day before, and that hopefully she and Karsna Prabhu can join me next year for the promotional harinamas.

Adi-Guru Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in the Liverpool Ratha-yatra procession (

Dayananda Swami chants Hare Krishna in the Liverpool Ratha-yatra procession (

Sandimani Muni Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Liverpool Ratha-yatra and a Brazilian woman does hula hoop performance (

Sandipani Muni Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at the end of the Liverpool Ratha-yatra procession

Tribhangananda and Parasurama Prabhus chant Hare Krishna as Liverpool Ratha-yatra stage show ends


On the Ekadasi apple cinnamon laddus from, made with buckwheat flour, in addition to 
without GMOs,” they include “bez karmy” (without karma).

At New Mayapur, in addition to the Bengali lyrics, the translation of the Guru Puja song into the local language is included on the sign board.

In the ashram the problem of other residents taking your gamsha (towel) occurs from time to time. In Prague they solved that problem by labeling the drying lines.

There are even four lines for guests!

On harinama in Prague one day I encountered this guy who is half Czech and half French wearing this T-shirt. I mentioned that as the monks are recommended to avoid the association of women, the shirt caught my attention. He said, “Perhaps I'll become a monk some day.”


Srila Prabhupada:

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.3.13, purport:

The surest path to happiness is to live by the principles laid down by the Lord and not disobey His established laws, which are enacted in the Vedas and the Puranas for the forgetful living entities.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.3.14, purport:

The material creation is meant for fulfilling the desire of the Lord, and His desire is that the conditioned souls who are unfit to enter into the kingdom of God have a chance to improve their conditions for entering. The entire process of cosmic arrangement is intended just to give a chance to the conditioned souls to enter the kingdom of God, and there is an adequate arrangement for their maintenance by the nature of the Lord.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.3.15, purport:

Devotees of the Lord never assert independent individuality; on the contrary, they utilize their individuality in pursuit of the desires of the Lord, and this cooperation of the devotees with the Lord makes a perfect scene of the Lord’s pastimes.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.3.19, purport:

Knowledge means to know that the mission of the human form of life is to end all the miseries of material existence and that in spite of having to fulfill the bodily necessities in a regulated way, one must be detached from such animal life. Fulfilling the demands of the body is animal life, and fulfilling the mission of the spirit soul is the human mission.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.4.16, purport:

Whatever little knowledge they have about the Lord is sufficient for them because devotees are simply satisfied in hearing and chanting about the transcendental pastimes of the Lord. This gives them all transcendental bliss.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.4.20, purport:

Unless one is awakened to the stage of Uddhava — everlastingly feeling the separation of the Lord in transcendental love, as exhibited by Lord Caitanya also — one cannot understand the real import of the four essential verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.4.21, purport:

Uddhava’s separation from the Lord was unbearable, and therefore he started to Badarikasrama in obedience to the Lord’s order because the order of the Lord and the Lord Himself are identical. As long as one is engaged in the execution of the order of the Lord, there is no factual separation from Him.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.4.23, purport:

Vidura was informed that the result of the Battle of Kurukshetra was the annihilation of his friends and relatives as well as the destruction of the Yadu dynasty and also the passing away of the Lord. All these hurled him into bereavement for the time being, but because he was highly advanced in transcendental knowledge, he was quite competent to pacify himself by enlightenment. As it is stated in Bhagavad-gita, due to our long association with bodily relationships, bereavement on account of the annihilation of friends and relatives is not at all astonishing, but one has to learn the art of subduing such bereavement with higher, transcendental knowledge.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.4.25, purport:

The servants of the Lord are actually the servants of society. They have no interest in human society other than to enlighten it in transcendental knowledge; they are interested in imparting knowledge of the relationship of the living being with the Supreme Lord, the activities in that transcendental relationship, and the ultimate goal of human life. That is the real knowledge which can help society achieve the real aim of human welfare. Knowledge in the matter of the bodily necessities of eating, sleeping, mating and fearing, transformed into various branches of advancement of knowledge, is all temporary. A living being is not the material body but an eternal part and parcel of the Supreme Being, and thus revival of his self-knowledge is essential.”

From a morning walk in Los Angeles on January 5, 1974:

Suppose there is such life where you can simply dance, eat and live eternally, happy life. Would you not like to accept it? . . . Krishna consciousness preaching means to convince them that there is life like this.”

From a letter to Baharupa on November 22, 1974:

In my books the philosophy of Krishna consciousness is explained fully, so if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read again and again. By reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to you, and by this process your spiritual life will develop…. You may please me the most by reading my books and following the instructions therein.”

From a letter to Govardhana, February 15, 1975:

Regarding my books, everyone should read. I am also reading … How much you should read and how much you should do other types of service, that has to be decided by each individual devotee.”

From a letter to Jaya Tirtha, January 20, 1976:

To train the innocent boy to be a sense gratifier at the early age when the child is actually happy in any circumstance is the greatest violence.”

Bhaktivinoda Thakura:

[Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says Harinam Sankirtan should be held on holy days such as Ekadasi and Krishna Janmastami:]

From Kalikatara Kirtana” (Kirtana in Kolkata), Sajjana Tosani, Vol. 11, 3, 1899:

We have one more thing to say. Let there be sankirtana, but it let it be done on holy days. Purnima, Ekadasi, Gaura Purnima, Krishnastami, the month of Karttika, the month of Vaisakha, the days when Bhagavan is taken on procession, Sankranti – it is better to perform hari-kirtana on all these holy days. Let the citizens bestow bliss in our hearts by performing sri-nama kirtana with the traditional tunes of the mahajanas, with the traditional instruments of mrdanga and karatala, and with pure Vaishnava sentiments. We are happy with their kirtana festival – now make us supremely happy by performing hari-sankirtana according to the proper standards. The universal guru, Sri Gauranga will surely bestow the desired result upon them.”

Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami:

From The Waves of Time:

There was an incident I’ll tell you, which freed me from former knowledge. It was that with some fear and trembling in my heart I one day went to Srila Prabhupada with my mixed feelings and a question that was almost the most important question I asked him in my life. I approached my gentle but stern spiritual master and asked, ‘Swamiji, those persons whom we used to look up to as great heroes—I mean the artists and philosophers and even sports heroes, those whom we used to adore, but now that we’ve taken to Krishna consciousness, we reject them—my remaining nagging question is, do they have any God consciousness at all? Sometimes, Prabhupada, you seem to condemn them entirely. But my question is do they have any God consciousness at all? Are the teachers I learned from in college and afterwards, all false and have no validity? Are they useless?’ Swamiji took my question calmly, deftly and definitely, and answered me, with all his profundity and confidence. He told me, ‘The teachers you formerly loved were valuable and true, because of their sincerity. Their sincerity is their God consciousness.’ So, there he brought me freedom from my predicament. His answer to my question took a load off my shoulders and gave me great relief. He taught me that there was value in my artists-teachers. Their sincerity! At the same time, I did not go back to their doorstep.”

ISKCON has corruption in it and politics. ISKCON is a disappointment to many devotees. But there is a core of devotees who are pure and are just interested in chanting and hearing and lecturing about Krishna and worshiping His Deity. I have fallen slack, but I am coming back to life. I am praying that I can keep my health and write big books.”

O brothers! All of us are actually relatives,

but only on the platform of the pure spirit soul.

These eternal relationships are not tinged

with the temporary delusions of maya.

The Supreme Lord is Himself

the ultimate Soul of everyone.

In their eternal relation to Him,

all souls in the universe are equal.

O brothers! All the millions of spirit souls

are your personal relatives.

In their true relationship with Krishna,

they all co-exist in complete harmony.”

Prabhupada was Prabhupada, whether he was in Brooklyn or Vrindavan. He is able to win over even the cynical Westerners as he speaks with his strong logical arguments or his charming, kind behavior toward everyone.”

Most of the boys who took part in these years of library [party] work later swore that they were the best years of their life. They knew that Prabhupada was very pleased with the sankirtana, and even to the end of their lives they remembered doing the library work.”

From Reading Reform:

One Dr. Kumar, a professor at McMaster University in Ontario, wrote asking about the claims of some to be incarnations of God. Prabhupada referred him to the books as well, saying, ‘The words of the Lord have been recorded in Bhagavad-gita, so if someone comes claiming to be an incarnation but also contradicts the Bhagavad-gita, then we can be sure that he is a phony.’

Due to our being completely distracted and forgetful of our real purpose, we will have to concentrate and rediscover the reality of bhakti-yoga.

Janananda Goswami:

From an initiation lecture:

Bhaktivinoda Thakura says the real tapasya (austerity) is within.

Repentence is really important and is an essential feature of devotional service.

We have to feel really bad because we cannot progress without genuinely regreting our former materialistic activities.

We are here for a servant’s degree not a master’s degree.

I know you’re hungry, but don’t eat the banana!

Bhakti Sundara Swami:

From an initiation ceremony at New Mayapur:

Lord Caitanya soon after He took sannyasa was traveling to Puri. He came across a washerman. He asked him to chant “Haribol!” The washerman said he was too busy washing clothes. Lord Caitanya told him that He would wash the clothes, so he could chant, and so He did. Thus the washerman said once, “Haribol!” Lord Caitanya asked him to chant again. And he did. Then Lord Caitanya asked him to chant again, and he chanted.

Srila Prabhupada said that everyone makes mistakes but a great man admits his mistakes.

To say an untruth about a devotee is an offense. If we are not sure if something is truth, we should not say it.

We do not surrender our intelligence. We surrender through our intelligence.

Any scripture that glorifies the Supreme Lord should not be criticized.

Lord Caitanya wants to give everyone Krishna prema, but because people’s hearts are so filled with other things there is no room His gift.

Srila Prabhupada said that the problem with religions is that they do not tell their followers how to stop committing sinful activities.

Bhaktivinoda Thakura said the 10th offense is to remain in the bodily conception of life despite being initiated into the chanting of the holy names, thinking we are the body and everything in relationship with our body is ours.

You should offer your beads to Krishna before chanting on them.

From a lecture on Balarama Purnima:

Srila Prabhupada corrected a disciple who chanted “Ramo” instead of Rama.”

Of course, if you are Bengali, you have an excuse, because they often pronounce the “a” as “o.”

Balarama enjoyed the santa-rasa by expanding into the land of Vraja, and into Krishna’s paraphernalia.

Sometimes Balarama serves Krishna by massaging Him and fanning Him.

Balarama plays with Him as a friend.

Balarama protects Him in the mood of vasalya.

Balarama’s internal energy serves Him in madhurya by expanding as Ananga Manjari.

Once Balarama asked Krishna if he could be Krishna for a day. Krishna said sure and gave Him His flute and peacock feather. That day Kamsa sent Kesi. Seeing Balarama appearing as Krishna. Kesi kicked him in the chest back about 20 feet. Balarama decided to give Krishna His paraphernalia back.

Srila Prabhupada said it is not enough to know we are spirit soul, we have to experience it.

We have to remember we are the servant of servant f Krishnna and forget lust, desire for fame, and opulence

The best preaching we can do is convince our mind to become a devoeee.

Balarama was not satisied with Revati because as she was from a previous yuga she was much taller than He. Thus He put His plow above her head and compressed her to His size.

Mandakini Devi Dasi:

On the occasion of the appearance of Lord Caitanya, Lord Nityananda roared in ecstasy. People understood that something auspicious was going to happen.

Before the sannyasi asked Hadai Pandit for his son to travel with him, the sannyasi had stayed up the whole night with Hadai Pandit doing Krishna kirtan and Krishna-katha together, thus Hadai Pandit was in a very blissful mood.

For nine hours two associates of Lord Caitanya looked for Nityananda at His request, but they could not find Him.

Even when we are experiencing happiness, we are on the verge of suffering from the various distressful conditions.

Although Lord Nityananda is full of spiritual bliss, He feels pain to see the suffering of the living entities.

Our diksa- and siksa-gurus are expansions of the mercy of Lord Nityananda.

The residents of Ekachakra were happy just seeing the smile of Lord Nityananda.

Lord Nityananda was the director, producer, and the main actor in the dramas of Krishna-lila He did as a kid.

Nityananda carries a stick to punish the age of Kali.

Nityananda looks at the those who have no compassion, even for themselves, with His sidelong glance and thus delivers them.

Lord Nityananda would tell the critical people, “Whatever you said about me, I do not mind. Just chant the holy name and worship Lord Gauranga.”

Srila Prabhupada wrote to his book distributors, “If you continue distributing books till your last breath, Lord Caitanya will come and personally take you back to Godhead.”

Jagai was transformed when He saw the compassion in Lord Nityananda’s face, despite being cut with a broken pot by his brother, Madhai, and he stopped Madhai from continuing to attack Nityananda.

Srila Prabhupada is personifying the mood of Lord Nityananda.

Srila Prabhupada told an intimate disciple that he was in the spiritual world with Krishna. Krishna asked Srila Prabhupada to come to this material world to write books and preach. Srila Prabhupada was reluctant, but decided to come under one condition, that anyone who assisted him, would go back to Godhead. Krishna agreed.

It is told in a book by Tamal Krishna Goswami that he had a dream where different eternal associates blessed Srila Prabhupada in different ways:

Ramananda Raya said, “May You allow him to reveal the initimate pastimes of Vrindavan to the world.”

Haridasa Thakura said, “Grant him the the power to give Your holy name to the lowest, whoever they may be.”

Baladeva Vidyabhusana said, “As You in the form of Govinda dictated Govinda-bhasya to me, sit by his side, and dictate his books.”

Nityananda was asked by Lord Caitanya to give Srila Prabhupada the strength to bear all their blessings. Nityananda added, “I will personally support his temples, and every aspect of his mission.”

Jayagurudeva Prabhu:

From his Vyasa-puja offering:

[He includes a powerful quote from Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura about the acarya. The sentence below is a paraphrase of that].

Even if only one in ten million is willing to hear the truth, he can become situated in the truth, and he can preach the truth to others.

In Moravia, there are many book distributors, and the Czech yatra is usually among the top ten in this world.

Bhadra Prabhu:

At the time of Krishna’s pastime with the fruit seller he was two or two and half years old.

The fruit seller had had a miscarriage and was missing having chance of playing with her kid. She was advised to cross the Yamuna and see Krishna, the most beautiful kid. She went two times but was unable to find Krishna. The third time she decided to commit suicide if could not see Krishna. That time Krishna came with one or two grains to barter for some fruit. She asked Krishna if He would sit on her lap and call her, “Mother.” He did, but only for a second. Although Krishna left, her mind remained fixed on Him. The basket of jewels had no value for her, so she threw it in the Yamuna. She felt so much separation from Krishna, she left her body right there, and she attained the position of mother of Krishna in the spiritual world.

Everyone is looking for love, but they are looking in the wrong place.

Love is meant for Krishna, but that does mean we do not have feeling for others. However, the supreme love is for Krishna.

Between the partners in the couple, you put the supreme couple.

The reading and association with devotees are meant to bring us to the point of realizing the holy name is everything.

The problem is that Krishna loves us, and we do not love Him. We have to keep trying.

You have purchased the ticket to go back to Godhead. Now it is just matter of time. Just keep hearing and chanting about Krishna.

From Janmastami lecture:

We are celebrating Krishna’s appearance because His appearance is not ordinary.

By glorifying Krishna we will purify our hearts, and we will become qualified to go back to Godhead.

As we chant more, we serve more.

Q: How can we serve Krishna when we go home from the temple?

A: Associate with devotees, read Srila Prabhupada’s books, learn the philosophy. Chant Hare Krishna.

Krishna is so kind that He has a unique individual relationship with everyone.

You are intelligent people. You have all come here because you understand that Krishna’s appearance is not ordinary.

From a Vyasa-puja class:

We have minute independence, and we have to choose if we want to do as Srila Prabhupada or his representatives recommeneded.

Prabhupada has given assurance that if we follow him he will take us to the spiritual world.

We are all indebted to him in a way we can not repay, but Krishna will accept whatever we do to please him.

When Brahmananda Swami speaks about Srila Prabhupada he speaks like he is Srila Prabhupada’s son.

Comment by Nila Madhava Prabhu: When Srila Prabhupada asked Brahmananda’s mother for a donation, she replied, “I have given you two sons. What more do you want?” So this is evidence that Brahmananda and his brother are now Srila Prabhupada’s sons.

An Indian man challenged Srila Prabhupada, “We all know this. Why don’t you preach in Pakistan?” Srila Prabhupada took up the challenge and sent Brahmananda and Gargamuni, each with an assistant, to East and West Pakistan. There was war going on between these countries. There was a report that four Americans were killed in the war, and Srila Prabhupada was in anxiety. Brahmananda and Gargamuni found a way to escape from that dangerous place, and Srila Prabhupada was so glad to see them he embraced them.

Srila Prabhupada got two instructions from his guru, in 1922 to preach Lord Caitanya’s message in English, and later, if you get money print books.

Mula Prakriti Devi Dasi was a big book distributor. When she knew she was dying of cancer, she emailed all the devotees she knew, saying, “If I offended you, please forgive me.”

Hridayananda Babaji in Vrindavan said, “Never have I seen anyone do sadhana like him.” He continued telling, “Srila Prabhupada used to pray to Rupa Goswami for his mercy, and he got his mercy. . . . Many times at twelve or one at night I heard a voice crying at Rupa Goswami’s samadhi. One time I went to see. Srila Prabhupada was sweeping at the samadhi of Rupa Goswami, and calling out to Rupa, Sanatana, and his gurudeva for their mercy to execute his guru’s instructions.”

Srila Prabhupada asked Brahmananda to ask a tombstone maker to carve three figurines, corresponding to Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra, because his guru considered Jagannatha is the deity that should first be introduced in the West. Of course, they couldn’t do it.

The devotees did not know about arati in the beginning, and at the installation of Lord Jagannatha, the devotees just offered a candle as many times as they were inspired.

Srila Prabhupada invested his power in his followers so they could do things like print 17 volumes of Sri Caitanya-caritamrita in two months.

It is said the pure devotee has Krishna prema in his heart, and he sprinkles that upon those who serve him.

Srila Prabhupada taught:

How to live life peacefully.

How to leave this life.

How to go back to Godhead.

From a morning talk on the second stage at Trutnov:

Thanks to Martin for putting Lord Jagannatha everywhere throughout the festival.

Before we bring peace to the world, we have to bring peace to ourselves.

According to Bhagavad-gita, there are three points to remember:

1. The Lord says He is the enjoyer of all we have and all we do. The Lord has provided the material elements from which everything is made.

We are looking for love. If love is there, everything is there. Similarly the Lord is looking for our love.

The Lord is the enjoyer of everything because everything is His property.

2. The Supreme Lord is the Lord of all planets.

3. The Lord is our best friend, and the Lord is within and he is always present. We do not have to look outside for friendship.

The wars are about land. We think, “This my land. You cannot come here.”

As human beings we should consider what we should do. The animals do not have this ability.

If we do not go beyond the activities of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending that we share with the animals, we will degrade ourselves.

If we offer some of God’s property back to God, He appreciates that love.

The soul emanates the consciousness within the body.

Our devotion to God comes with our soul when we leave this body.

If we have the same goal, we can work together. We have different natures and abilities, but we have the same goal.

If you lose your character, you lose everything. If a politician has a bad character, who cares for him, but if he has good character, people will admire and want to assist him.

We change the furniture in our house so many times in our lives, but by this we do not become satisfied.

We can have peace in the world by our each applying the peace formula within our lives.

[Punya Palaka Prabhu said a panel of rich and influential people spoke after Bhadra Prabhu in the same venue and one of them, referring to Bhadra Prabhu’s speech, said, “He has covered the key points. I do not have much to add.”]

Devaki Devi Dasi:

Prabhupada glorifies Mother Yasoda for anxiety in perfection.

Prabhupada says that anxiety is part of being alive. Material anxiety is “Where is money? Where is woman?” Spiritual anxiety is “Where is Krishna?”

Prabhupada said that the deity worship helps us cultivate anxiety for Krishna.

Managers should remember Mother Yasoda’s anxiety.

Generally there is some material component to our anxiety, but when that is removed our anxiety will be pure ecstasy.

Srila Prabhupada installed more Radha Krishna deities than Gaura Nitai deities.

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that we should chant Hare Krishna with a longing to serve. By doing that, we become established in dasya rasa. Once there, if we have a deeper relationship with Krishna, He will reveal it.

Radharani says, “If Krishna feels happy giving Me distress then that distress is the best of My happiness.”

It is a GBC resolution that Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja be more opulently celebrated than our guru’s Vyasa-puja offering.

I recommend everyone write a Vyasa-puja offering for Srila Prabhupada.

It is explained that Devaki was purified from the six anarthas, symbolized by the six sons which Kamsa killed, by her fear of Kamsa. Then Balarama, who is service to Godhead personified, appears and prepares for Krishna’s appearance. Krishna appears only where there is bhakti.

Srila Prabhupada explains because a “devotee is alert in fear of material association” he becomes purified of it.

When we do not serve with heart and soul, we will not be completely satisfied, and we may conclude we should go to the Radha Kunda babajis.

As long as we have material attachments we cannot objectly assess ourselves.

For Balarama’s appearance day this is the place to be [New Mayapur].

Hari Parisada Prabhu:

Krishna is appearing in some universe or other at every moment. Similarly each of His pastimes is going on at every moment in some universe or another.

Dhenukasura represents people who are unable to relish Krishna’s pastimes and who keep others from relishing them.

One who is sheltered under guru, sadhu, and sastra can attain the highest stage.

To attain raganuga-bhakti one has to have siksa- or diksa-guru on that platform.

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura said that artha pravrtti, positive service to Krishna, is essential not just anartha pravrtti.

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura advises that persons who have not chanted Hare Krishna for fifteen or twenty years not pursue scriptures discussing raganuga-bhakti, but afterward it should be done in order to progress.

The acaryas say jayanti refers to Krishna Janmastami, and not any Janmastami but only those when the moon is in the constellation Rohini.

The Lord is always existing, but the sandini potency makes the existence of the Lord and the spiritual world known to us.

Balarama is the presiding deity of the sandhini potency, Krishna Himself is the presiding deity of samvit, and Radharani is the presiding deity of the hladini potency.

Balarama is the best devotee of Krishna in that He provides so many facilities for Krishna’s service, His shoes, His umbrella, His bed, His spiritual world, etc. Radharani gives Krishna pleasure.

Varnasrama Prabhu, president of Czech Farm:

From his Vyasa-puja offering:

Srila Prabhupada, you were always interested in practical results, such as details of agricultural production.

Three new calves, more land, . . . 50 tons of wheat.

Points made in quotes by Srila Prabhupada:

Having cows, producing ghee for restaurants is good engagements.

Try to organize as much as possible that every temple has a farm.

Madhusudana Prabhu:

If we are humble, a sadhu can enter our hearts.

If we close our heart to the sadhus, we lose their association.

Sukadeva Goswami taught from the day he was born to be detached from family life.

Sukadeva Goswami only followed one rule – to always think of Krishna.

We cannot evaluate Vaishnavas because we cannot understand how much they are thinking of Krishna in their minds.


Although generally not well known, this verse is an important lead-in to the four key verses of Bhagavad-gita 10.8–11:

etam vibhutim yogam ca
mama yo vetti tattvatah
so ’vikalpena yogena
yujyate natra samsayah

“One who is factually convinced of this opulence and mystic power of Mine engages in unalloyed devotional service; of this there is no doubt.” (Bhagavad-gita 10.7)