Saturday, July 06, 2024

Travel Journal#20.12: Paris

Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 20, No. 12
By Krishna Kripa Das
(June 2024, part two)

(Sent from Sarcelles, France, on July 6, 2024)

Where I Went and What I Did

I spent the last two weeks of June chanting Hare Krishna in Paris three hours a day and advertising the Paris Ratha-yatra which was held on June 30. It was great to see old friends and chant in places I did formerly. I had many encouraging experiences which I tell about. There are more devotees in the Paris temple these days, so it is more lively, however, this year I do not have a dedicated harinama partner, like Tulasi Prabhu or Gaura Nataraja Prabhu, as in previous years, so that is a bit austere. Prasadam is improved as the temple management eliminated the use of red pepper. Harinama Ruci came for the Ratha-yatra, and I have some videos of their ecstatic harinamas after the procession.

The Gaura-Nitai deities in Paris, named Nitai-Sacisuta, are strikingly beautiful, though not as well known as Radha-Parisisvara.

I share quotes from Srila Prabhupada’s Srimad-Bhagavatam and Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, and also from one of his Bhagavad-gita classes. I share quotes from Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami’s A Writer of Pieces 2024 and Dvija Govinda Prabhu’s The Nature of Time. I share notes on classes in Paris by Janananda Goswami, Rasa Parayana Prabhu, Dayal-Nitai Prabhu, Jiva Prana Prabhu, and Vasumati Manjari Devi Dasi. I share an interesting quote by physicist Stephen Hawking.

Many, many thanks to Janananda Goswami for his very generous donation of U.S. currency. Thanks to Sara Owen of the North of England for her kind donation of British pounds.


June 17–August 16: Paris harinamas
July 12: Amsterdam harinama
July 13: Amsterdam Ratha-yatra
July 26: Milan and Bratislava harinamas
July 27: first ever Bratislava Ratha-yatra
July 28: Bratislava or Vienna harinama
August 16–19: Balarama Festival (New Mayapur France)
August 22–25: Trutnov (Czech Woodstock)
August 29–30: Liverpool
August 31: Liverpool Ratha-yatra
September 8: Great North Run
harinama (Newcastle, UK)
September 9–11: Dublin
September 12: NYC Harinam

Chanting Hare Krishna in Paris

I was so happy that Janananda Goswami, the authority I work under in Paris, was personally present for many days during the beginning of my visit.

Here Janananda Goswami chants Hare Krishna on Rue de Caumartin in Paris (

Later his disciple,
Vishnu Janananda Prabhu, chanted Hare Krishna there, and a couple, sitting on the steps of a church, played shakers and learned the mantra (

harinama, Janananda Goswami chanted Hare Krishna at the Yoga Lyrique Tuesday evening program (

This young lady from Tunisia, who met us on
harinama for the first time, came with the devotees to the Yoga Lyrique program afterward, staying to the end, and receiving Maharaja’s garland.

Dayal-Nitai Prabhu, the lead book distributor here, goes to places I had never been to before, some of which turned out to be good for harinama.

In the first 1½ hours I chanted Hare Krishna by myself at Chateau de Vincennes, near where two devotees distributed books, five people gave donations, two Christian missionaries from Boston and three kids. Two kids returned the literature I gave them because their teacher said religious books are not allowed in schools in France. Apparently you cannot talk about religion in school here either. The parent of the other kid did not make her return the pamphlet I gave her.

At another venue, Montparnasse train station, one woman who liked our music wanted to know the location of our daily harinamas.

Patita Pavana Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Arc de Triomphe in Paris on June 21, the Music Festival Day, a national holiday when many people sing in public (

Rohininandana Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Arc de Triomphe, and several passersby dance (

Rasa Parayana Prabhu chant
ed Hare Krishna there too (

Lauren, touring Europe, greeted me while on
harinama at Hotel de Ville, “Are you from Tallahassee?”

She graduated from FSU this year, where she was friends with Calla, one of our most enthusiastic servers at Krishna Lunch. She had eaten at Krishna Lunch both there and at UF. She promised to remind her younger sister, still at FSU, to attend our Krishna Lunch.

The young woman on the right,
from the north of Belgium, was very enthusiastic to encounter the Hare Krishnas again because she once went on the tour of the Radhadesh castle which she found simply enchanting.

Patita Pavana Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Hotel de Ville in Paris (

Sudevi Manjari Devi Dasi chants Hare Krishna at Hotel de Ville (

While Sudevi Manjari Devi Dasi chanted Hare Krishna there, many passersby danced with the devotee women (

The Sunday before the Ratha-yatra I chanted Hare Krishna by the Indian shops, and I set up this book table. 

Unfortunately no one came to join me in the chanting, but two new devotees, both from Muslim backgrounds, one on each side of the street, very enthusiastically distributed Ratha-yatra flyers. I had to relocate the table when one lady complained that the sound of the chanting completely disturbed her mind and made her unable to work. I suggested she shut her window. She said she could still hear it. I felt sorry for her unfortunate condition and was annoyed at having to move. Persons purchased an English, a French, and a Hindi
Bhagavad-gita from my table.

One Muslim woman passing by
the Paris temple, stood smiling at the courtyard entrance, observing the Jagannath Snana Yatra and hearing the lively Hare Krishna kirtan of Ramanaji Prabhu (

She told a devotee that the scene was very moving, and
she felt like she wanted to cry.

Later Patita Pavana Prabhu chanted Hare Krishna at ISKCON Paris Snana Yatra (

Patita Pavana Prabhu chants Hare Krishna on Rue de Caumartin in Paris,
which is nearby his office, so that he could join us after work (

Rohininandana Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Les Halles in Paris (

Rasa Parayana Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at Hotel de Ville in Paris, and many
women enjoyed dancing with the devotee women (

Priyarani chants Hare Krishna at Les Halles in Paris (

Two g
irls play shakers, chant Hare Krishna, and take prasadam as Adi-Guru Prabhu chants at Hotel de Ville in Paris (

Adi-Guru Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in the streets of Les Halles in Paris (

i-Guru Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in a restaurant in Les Halles (

Here is the end of his restaurant kirtan (

Gopaswami Prabhu chants Hare Krishna as Lord Jagannath prepares to go to the Paris Ratha-yatra site (

The Paris Ratha-yatra went down the street next to the main train station, Gare du Nord.

Sometimes many people watched it from their apartments.

 Sometimes even whole families.

Both workers and diners in cafes took photos.

Two men balanced on the same ladder also took photos.

Many devotees, like Madhavendra Puri Prabhu, distributed books.

All together 1,240 pieces of literature were distributed in the procession.

Here Harinamananda Prabhu chants Hare Krishna at the beginning of the Paris Ratha-yatra (

Chandrashekhara Acharya Prabhu chants Hare Krishna and “Govinda Jaya Jaya” in the Paris Ratha-yatra

Dayal Mora Prabhu chants Jaya Jagannath in Paris Ratha-yatra, and Indian ladies dance with a devotee lady

Young women at a cafe play shakers during Paris Ratha-yatra (

Rohininandana Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in the Paris Ratha-yatra

Nitai Pada Kamala Prabhu chants Hare Krishna after the Paris Ratha-yatra procession ended at Les Halles (

I felt victorious because I passed out “On Chanting Hare Krishna” and invitations to the Yoga Lyrique programs to people who were obviously attracted by Nitai’s kirtana.

After taking the free prasadam and some prasadam from generous devotee vendors, we did harinama with Harinama Ruci in the nearby streets of Les Halles, chanting in the same restaurant that Adi-Guru chanted in the previous day. We began at Fontaine Des Innocents (Fountain of the Innocents) (

Harinamananda Prabhu chant
ed Hare Krishna as we were leaving Fontaine Des InnagDIuzZlrXYocents, and passersby tried chanting the mantra (

Harinamananda Prabhu chants Hare Krishna with Harinama Ruci in a restaurant in Les Halles and then outside
of it in the street (

Harinamananda Prabhu chants Hare Krishna in Les Halles
past an outside cafe, and diners dance with devotees (

Harinamananda Prabhu
ended the evening and the month by chanting Hare Krishna with Harinama Ruci after the Paris Ratha-yatra stage show finished in Les Halles (


Are they always running out of mango pickle at your temple? Maybe you just need a larger bottle!


Srila Prabhupada:

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.6.26, purport:

Such a devotee, after his initiation by the Lord or His bona fide representative, takes very seriously chanting of the glories of the Lord and traveling all over the world so that others may also hear the glories of the Lord. Such devotees have no desire for material gain. They are conducted by one single desire: to go back to Godhead. This awaits them in due course on quitting the material body. Because they have the highest aim of life, going back to Godhead, they are never envious of anyone, nor are they proud of being eligible to go back to Godhead. Their only business is to chant and remember the holy name, fame and pastimes of the Lord and, according to personal capacity, to distribute the message for others’ welfare without motive of material gain.”

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.9.8, purport:

One has to receive the transcendental sound from the right source, accept it as a reality and prosecute the direction without hesitation. The secret of success is to receive the sound from the right source, a bona fide spiritual master.”

One should be qualified enough to discern such transcendental potency, and either by discriminating or by fortunate chance if one is able to receive the transcendental sound from the bona fide spiritual master, his path of liberation is guaranteed.”

From Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya 16.281, purport:

Because we live in the temples of Radha-Krishna and continuously hold hari-nama-sankirtana – the chanting of Hare Krishna – we consequently live in Vrindavana and nowhere else.”

From a Bhagavad-gita class on June 25, 1974, in Melbourne, Australia:

And as soon as you offer yourself to be enjoyed by Krishna as servant – according to His order you serve – then immediately you are in the spiritual world. So you can become in the material world or spiritual world, as you desire. As you desire. If you want to remain in the spiritual world, this temple is the spiritual world. We are not living in Melbourne. This temple is not Melbourne. It is Vaikuntha … It is Vrindavana.”

Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami:

From A Writer of Pieces 2024:

If one chants even for one week, he will make solid progress in spiritual life.”

Hare Krishna comes straight from krishna-loka,
but with chanting I have no connection;
day and night I am burning in this dark world.
I never met true happiness
until I served the lotus feet
of the bona fide Vais
hnava guru.

You can’t buy it in a drugstore.


It is only found by serving Gurudeva.”

When Rama Raya went to India to explore the holy places, he left his comrade Mathuraprana in charge. Such is the trust of one man in another. And they all trusted Krishna, and Krishna trusted them. So much trust, and the trust was in Krishna to protect them all.”

I pray to return to normal sadhana.
But it does not return easily.
The Lord may make you wait a long time.
You may have to suffer not chanting your rounds,
He may keep you in bodily pain.
But you never complain. You are always patient
until He comes again.”

We Meet Again: Reconnection with the Eternal Master

I found the perfect guru.
He had just come from India.

He was penniless
and had no support from an institution or rich patron.
But he was a pure devotee of Krishna.
I was penniless too,
|lost on the street.

I had no teacher,
I had no lover, no dear friend.
I had no knowledge of God.
I had rejected God.
I was addicted to drugs like marijuana and LSD.

Somehow, I met the Swami,
and he picked me out of the street.
I began to attend his classes in the storefront ‘temple,’
and he was kind to me.
About ten boys gathered around him,
and they began to chant Hare Krishna with him.
He taught about Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
and he told us Krishna was God.

He pulled me out of the gutter.
He became my best friend, my mentor.
He was A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.
We soon learned to call him Swamiji.
It was a love adventure.
He wore the saffron robes of a mendicant,
poor cloth, khadi.
How quickly we took to him.

He taught us how to love vegetarian Indian food.
He taught us everything!
The best thing was chanting
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
By attending only one class in his storefront,
and singing Hare Krishna with him
and a motley group,
I learned to give up all my sinful activities—
the habits that everyone took up on the Lower East Side—
meat-eating, illicit sex, intoxication and gambling.

I gave him all my money, $400, discharge from the U.S. Navy.
I went out and begged money to give to his cause.

I took to his teachings,
believed that we are not these bodies but spirit souls.”

Baladeva and I have been best friends for about forty years, friends in every way. Nalini-kantha, the ISKCON astrologer, has repeatedly done our charts and said that we are 90% compatible and alike in almost all ways. Of course, we have other friends, but Bala and I are the closest.”

Be kind to all your friends,
and don’t forget to forgive your enemies.”

Take a tip from me.
Stay close to your spiritual master,
and never leave his lotus feet.”

I joined in the kirtana, changed my life,
gave up all vices,
took up the chanting of Hare Krishna,
became dedicated to Swami, never left him, never turned back. Fifty years later, I still worship his lotus feet.”

There are people in worse condition than I am, and there are saints who take their pains without regrets.”

Let me go on with the ‘pieces’ and live in peace.”

O, how I would love to be a mahatma, or at least a madhyama-adhikari, but not an utter novice with no real love for Krishna.”

Janananda Goswami:

In many ways, the Ratha-yatra day is the most important day. For one, it is the day the Lord comes out of the temple to give his audience to everyone.

The residents of Vrindavan seeing Krishna at Kuruksetra is like seeing your beloved in court as the high court judge. You cannot really run up to him.

We are inviting Lord Jagannath to come back to Vrindavan, and we are inviting everyone to also come to Vrindavan.

Radharani wants everyone to please Krishna. Why should Krishna’s energy not be engaged in Krishna’s service?

We see Vrindavan as the holy dhama. Others see it as a damn hole. You have to see behind the facade.

Vrindavan is the place where everything is for Krishna’s pleasure.

Radharani is pining for Lord Krishna, and Lord Caitanya is pining for Lord Jagannath.

Real innocence is unknown in this world. It is to be without material desire, to only desire to serve Krishna.

About 10 years ago in Den Haag we had Ratha-yatra without Lord Jagannath. He got held up in a traffic jam between Radhadesh and Den Haag. After an hour, the authorities told us that we had to start immediately or the whole event was off. We chanted and danced and distributed books. The onlookers did not know anything was wrong because they did not know what the festival was about anyway. When the procession reached the festival site, Lord Jagannath showed up, like devotees who show up just in time for prasadam.

Srila Prabhupada liked shenai bands playing. During his time, they would play in Mayapur.

King Prataparudra became a menial servant of Lord Jagannath, sweeping the floor before His chariot, and thus He attained the mercy of Lord Caitanya.

Lord Caitanya chose the dancers in each party. One was Advaita Acharya who was about 80 years old, and another was Haridas Thakura who was about 70 years old.

Srila Prabhupada said that Ratha-yatra and mass book distribution will conquer the world.

No one will forget a Ratha-yatra festival.

Hiranyakasipu was sense gratification personified and ahankara [false ego] personified.

Hiranyakasipu was determined to get rid of Vishnu by all means, and nowadays there are also people who want to eliminate God by all means.

Even Bali Maharaja was glorified by Vamana as king of the demons. However, just because he was king of the demons doesn’t mean he was a demon.

Devotional service has no material motivation. It is our constitution.

When Bali Maharaja had given everything to Lord Vamanadeva, his wife chastised him for thinking that everything had belonged to him.

About 55 years ago the Archbishop of Argentina led his congregation in prayer to God that his team win the world cup. They did win, but that is not perfect God consciousness.

Acts facilitate the proper consciousness, but they are not a substitute for the proper consciousness.

We are not performing enough sankirtana. That is the root problem because that is the only thing that can destroy the false ego.

We have to absorb our minds in acts of devotion that are favorable.

External clutter means internal clutter.

Without repentance there will not be a change in behavior.

We have to find out what is our part to play in relationship with Krishna. Then we will be naturally peaceful.

About 98 or 99% of the people are in an artificial situation in some way or another.

If we are genuine devotees we will welcome Krishna’s chastisement.

If you are working in a incompatible situation, such as where you have to work with meat, if you take shelter of Krishna, He will make an adjustment in due course.

A prabhu whose name I neglected to ask:

We are helping Lord Caitanya distribute these fruits of love of Godhead.

We can have everything in this world, but if no one loves us and we love no one, then we cannot be happy. Thus it is loving relationships that are the cause of happiness.

If our devotional service is interrupted for 10 minutes, we cannot be happy for those 10 minutes.

Going deeper in our japa helps us go deeper in our sankirtana, and going deeper in our sankirtana helps us go deeper in our japa.

Only by being tolerant and humble can we go deeper in devotional service, and come to the stage of unmotivated and uninterrupted devotional service, that will bring complete satisfaction.

Dvija Govinda Prabhu:

From his soon-to-be-published The Nature of Time:

People in the mode of goodness, however, have the ability to gradually ‘expand’ the present, and this ability is proportional to the strength of the influence of the mode of goodness. The mode of goodness (sattva-guna) slows down time. Yogis deliberately slow down their breathing in order to stop the endless rushing of the mind. In this stream of thoughts, flowing endlessly from the past to the future, we do not notice the present. But when the mind slows down, the passage of time slows down along with it, and this is one of the reasons why yogis live longer. All physiological processes in the body of a yogi are also changed qualitatively. When a yogi reaches a state of samadhi, the boundaries of the present expand to hours, days, weeks, months, and even years. His consciousness passes into a different realm, and when sattva-guna becomes pure, completely free from the influence of rajo-guna (passion) and tamo-guna (ignorance), the present becomes eternity.”

The tri-kala-jña concept is similar to the phenomenon known today as ‘precognitive remote viewing.’ The essence of this concept is as follows: During the experiment, one test person remains in a room with the experimenters and tries to describe what another test person sees at a great distance from him. Thousands of such experiments have been successfully carried out at Princeton University. A surprising feature of the results was that observers could receive information equally well from the past, present, or future. Although the modern, mainstream scientific community is generally not open to evidence supporting instances of individuals receiving accurate glimpses of the past or the future, remote viewing research in the United States, which began with the government-funded Stargate Project in 1978, continues to this day.”

Rasa Parayana Prabhu:

It is His specialty that Lord Caitanya made bhakti very easy. Everyone likes to dance. Everyone likes to sing.

One Prabhupada disciple was saying that we worship the dancing God, Lord Caitanya, and Lord Jagannatha, the eating God.

We will have the Olympics this year here in Paris, and so many athletes will come, but when it is over, how many will be happy? Only very few. But at a Hare Krishna festival, at the end everyone is happy. Everyone got to sing. Everyone got to eat Krishna prasadam.

At one Ratha-yatra Srila Prabhupada said anyone who saw Lord Jagannatha on His chariot will go back to Godhead.

Dayal-Nitai Prabhu:

If we tell new people about inconceivable ideas like souls having two eternal forms one in Lord Krishna’s and another in Lord Caitanya’s pastimes, it will weaken their faith.

Janananda Goswami says, “If you are happy in the brahmacari ashram, you will not be happier in the grhastha ashram.”

If the administrative class does not give charity to the brahmanas they will not be able to do their service.

If you give charity to a sinful person who uses it to perform sinful activity, you get implicated in the sinful reaction.

We give the holy name and Krishna prasadam because even if you give them to sinful people they cannot use them for sinful purposes.

Bali Maharaja teaches by his example who to give charity to.

If we give transcendental knowledge to people, that attracts Krishna’s mercy. For those not ready to accept transcendental knowledge, we give the holy name or prasadam.

Even Krishna rejects some of the sastra in Bhagavad-gita (Bg. 2.42–23).

I know some devotees who always bring prasadam with them when they go out to do book distribution to give to beggars.

Jiva Prana Prabhu:

Vamana glorifies the demoniac dynasty of Bali Maharaja, and we as book distributors can glorify the people we distribute books to, who are also of a demoniac background.

Demigods seek solutions to problems by approaching the Supreme Lord unlike the demons.

Vamana describes the battles with Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu which were actually for the pleasure of the Lord.

Srila Prabhupada describes that the Lord plays with the demons before killing them as a cat might play with some mice before killing them because killing them is not difficult for Him.

Vamana glories the dynasty of Bali to get his confidence so he can ask him for charity.

The devotee always considers what the Lord is teaching him through the different incidents in his life.

The Lord was considering how to act to benefit Hiranyakasipu, and similarly we should consider how to act so that those we meet will be benefited, by giving them Krishna consciousness in a form they will be able to accept.

Engaging all our possessions in the service of the Lord is the best thing we can do. We should meditate on how we can do this.

Charity helps us detach ourselves from material opulence.

If we become rich, we can get entangled in worrying too much about our possessions or expanding our possessions.

Comment by Dayal Nitai Prabhu: When we are illusion, we do not see that we are in illusion, and thus we continue going in the wrong way.

Comment by Vasumati Manjari Devi Dasi: If we have a little taste of spiritual pleasure, we can compare our different material experiences with that and see them as inferior.

Comment by Aristanasana Prabhu: Srila Prabhupada advised spending by the end of the day what one collects for the temple during that day, so one will have to go out and collect the next day.

Vasumati Manjari Devi Dasi:

This is my favorite part of the Vamana pastime, where the Lord teaches by His example to accept in charity only what one actually needs.

Sometimes the Puranas teach people through stories in an indirect way so it is easier for people for accept the knowledge.

It is so difficult to get rid of things that if a woman wants to clean out her wardrobe she needs the emotional support of her girlfriends even to give up things she is not wearing any more.

Can you use it? If not, it is just a source of anxiety.

Krishna gives wealth when He knows it will not affect your bhakti.

No only our wealth, but our talents we have to use in the service of the Lord.

Begging is hard for people who have pride.

Comment by me:

Regarding your point that lust is never satisfied, here is a relevant verse from Bhagavad-gita: “Thus the wise living entity's pure consciousness becomes covered by his eternal enemy in the form of lust, which is never satisfied and which burns like fire.” (Bg. 3.39)

Stephen Hawking:

From A Brief History of Time:

“Even the equations describing the motion of an electron around a hydrogen atom are too complicated for their direct solution. What can we say then about the prediction in all the details of the fate of the universe?”


The popular strategy of attaining happiness through fulfilling sensual desires actually does not work as Krishna mentions in this verse in Bhagavad-gita 3.39 and thus we should abandon it before wasting any more time in this way.

avritam jñanam etena
jñanino nitya-vairina
kama-rupena kaunteya
duspurenanalena ca

“Thus the wise living entity’s pure consciousness becomes covered by his eternal enemy in the form of lust, which is never satisfied and which burns like fire.” (Bg. 3.39)

Don’t lament, however, the real path to happiness is also mentioned in the Gita:

“Such a liberated person is not attracted to material sense pleasure but is always in trance, enjoying the pleasure within. In this way the self-realized person enjoys unlimited happiness, for he concentrates on the Supreme.” (Bg. 5.21)