of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 11, No. 16
By Krishna-kripa das
(August 2015, part two)
By Krishna-kripa das
(August 2015, part two)
(Czech Woodstock), Prague & The North of England
(Sent from Penn Station, New York City, on September 22, 2015)
(Sent from Penn Station, New York City, on September 22, 2015)
I Went and What I Did
almost ten days with the Festival of India on Poland’s Baltic
coast, I traveled to Wroclaw in
the south of Poland,
and the next
the Czech border to Trutnov, for the Trutnoff Open Air Festival, also
known as the Czech Woodstock. The Czech devotees are friends with
Martin, the organizer, and we have a Krishna camp with Krishna music
and Krishna food there. After the Trutnov festival, I chanted for a
day with Harinama Ruci in Prague. Then I chanted in Newcastle a
couple of days, and then Blackpool, Preston, Southport, Liverpool,
Manchester, Leeds, and back to Newcastle, doing evening programs in
Preston, Liverpool, and Leeds and a kirtana
in Manchester, thus ending the very
busy month
of August.
share quotes from Srila Prabhupada lectures and notes on the books
and journal of Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami. I share notes on lectures by
two Manchester devotees, Jagadatma Prabhu, a disciple of Srila
Prabhupada, and Radha Mohan Prabhu, a disciple of Radhanath Swami, on
Lord Balarama's appearance day.
to Harinama Ruci for their pictures of the Trutnov festival and
Prague harinama.
to Ananga Sevika Devi Dasi for her video of our final kirtana
Trutnov. Thanks to Aharada Devi Dasi for the picture of our bhajana
in Manchester.
to the Newcastle temple for their kind contribution. Thanks to Tony
and the Preston nama-hatta
their kind donation toward my travels. Thanks to Alan and the
Liverpool nama-hatta
their kind donation toward my travels. Thanks to Janardana Prabhu and
the Leeds nama-hatta
their kind donation, as well as to one of their congregation who also
contributed. Thanks to Punya Palaka Prabhu, who also contributed to
my travel fund. Thanks to Gaura Karuna Prabhu for always being
willing to convert currencies for me.
22–25: New York City Harinama
26–27: Albany
28–November 13: New York City Harinama
14–17: Washington, D.C., Harinama
18–19: Jacksonville
20–December 16: Krishna House (except 5 days in Tallahassee)
16–January 3: New York City Harinama
on the Way to Trutnov
the train from Wroclaw to the southern border of Poland, two boys in
my compartment asked to hear me play my harmonium. Since the
conductor was in the next compartment we closed the door and window,
so as not to get in trouble. One of the boys had studied the piano
for four years. They were really impressed, although it was not
really impressive. I was impressed with them, for when they made a
video of me chanting, they recorded at least five mantras. Usually
people get bored after two or three. I gave them my card, and invited
them to send it to me, if they were inspired.
tried a new border crossing from Poland to Czech Republic this year,
one that supposedly had a bus across it, because I was tired of
walking across the border between Lubawka, PL, and Kralovac, CZ, but
as it turned out I missed the first bus and the second bus did not
come. I decided to walk and hitchhike at the same time. I ripped the
side off a cardboard box I found in a dumpster and wrote “CZ” on
it in big letters, and set out on my journey. After no more than 15
minutes a couple of young men who were going to a weekend hip-hop
festival in Hradlec Kralove stopped and offered to take me there,
rather than just across the border. It was a big enough city I knew I
could easily catch a train to Trutnov from there, though much further
from the border than I needed to be, so I accepted the ride.
The guy who was not driving decided he wanted to take a video of me
playing harmonium and chanting Hare Krishna. I was in the middle of
the front seat of the van, and as I sang, the driver sang along with
me in a very animated way. We must have chanted four mantras
together. I also invited the young guy who took the video to send it
me. I noticed we would pass through Jaromer, a town I had traveled
through by train on the way to Trutnov one year, so I suggested they
drop me there. I saw a sign with a picture of the train and the word
BUS, and I assumed it was both the train and bus station, but it was
actually a place to get buses, including one to the train station.
All the Trutnov buses were finished for the night, and so the bus
driver going to the train station offered to take me there. When I
got to the train station no one was at the ticket counter, but
looking at the schedule of departures, I was delighted to see there
was a train to Trutnov in five minutes. That was Krishna’s kindness
on me.
Open Air Music Festival (Czech Woodstock)
many years devotees have been sharing Krishna music and food with
attendees at the Trutnoff Open Air Music Festival in Trutnov, Czech
Republic, just 16 km south of the Polish border. About 20,000 or
30,000 people attend the event, paying the equivalent of about 40
euros for admission.
Krishna Camp and the schedule of events at it are included in the
publication given to all the attendees of the festival when they
have been coming for seven years, every year beginning with 2009.
Some people remembered me from 2009, and I remembered some of them
from 2009.
Thursday night quite a number of people enthusiastically chanted with
us (https://youtu.be/sX8T1xeKGuc):
of them, I am sure, judging from their happiness, were waiting all
year for this chance to chant with the devotees again.
Prabhu and his wife Kishori Devi
Dasi came
for the first time. Vaiyasaki liked Trutnov better than the Polish
Woodstock, a much larger event, which he felt was too overwhelming.
He inspired many people to chant and dance, and I was happy to see
and be part of it. Here you can see some video from the three
evenings when he played (https://youtu.be/3cCSeFCMaDA):
also took a video with my Andriod, which has a light which
illuminated the joyous dancers (https://youtu.be/XfrAmda_lc8):
they would raise their hands.
people would even dance on our stage.
Friday we did our first harinama,
beginning at the school where we stayed, through the town, and to the
site of the festival, ending at our camp. The school lets festival
goers use its showers for a small fee, and three people who had come
to shower at the school joined our harinama
the entire way with us!
you can see them dancing with us at the end of the harinama
our camp.
of them, the girl in shorts, chanted much of the time and often put
her arms in the air like Lord Caitanya. Based on her enthusiasm, I
figured she had some previous connection with the devotees, but she
had never encountered them before. Her name was Elishka, and she was
from a remote part of Czech near the German border. She was amazed
that the harinama
two hours as the time had just flown by. She described it was nothing
she had every experienced before. During our harinama
devotee gave her an abridged version of the Prabhupada biography. She
came by each day and chanted and danced in our tent. She also chanted
and danced in the crowd when we performed kirtana
the second stage. Now that she has finished her education, she is
thinking of getting a job in Prague. Then it will be easy for her to
have the association of the devotees and more opportunities for
Krishna kirtana.
the harinamas, sometimes devotees would encourage people to
did this with the ladies.
Harinamananda Prabhu did this with the guys.
onlookers would dance with each other.
the site, as we walked through paths with vendors on each side, both
the vendors and their customers would participate.
Vishnujana and Harinamananda Prabhus encountered some vendors of
outlandish wigs.
Friday night at our Krishna Camp, for about an hour or so, I was the sole dancer on the
stage while Vaiyasaki Prabhu was singing.
he ended one tune, I left to use the toilet, but four people wanted
to take my picture before I made to the bathroom. It was an odd
experience for me to adored as an entertainment personality.
are always special people, some old friends and some new friends.
girl, Sharka (who formerly called herself Shari) [with the red hair], I recall from 2009,
the first year I went to Trutnov. She and her high school friends
loved singing and dancing to Jaya Gurudeva Prabhu’s guitar playing
and his reggae Hare Krishna chant. They were all from Trutnov. Now
they have grown up and live in different parts of the world, but she
still lives in Trutnov and comes by to chant and dance with us a few
times every year.
afternoons were slower in terms of participation.
Friday a devotee lady sang and four ladies danced in the audience
Vacaspati Prabhu, who leads the Prague harinamas
Wednesday and Friday, sang on Saturday afternoon
Once on a typically slow afternoon maybe twenty people were in our tent. The only person singing the response was a girl who was sitting with her friends toward the back. I spoke to her later and found she and three friends had driven all the way from Brittany, in western France, and that was their second year at Trutnov. They had come to our camp the previous year and liked it. She even remembered that I sang at one point. I explained that is usually at the end when everyone else’s voice is shot and I do not sound any worse than anyone else. I told her about our Paris Ratha-yatra and offered to give her details about next year’s event.
got to sing on the second stage as we did last year. This year the
timing was better, and we got the best response we ever had from the
audience there. Nrsimha Caitanya Prabhu led the kirtana
many people delighted in dancing
one point, a group of school kids joined the dancing, during our
kirtana on
the second stage, and everyone danced in a circle.
Sunday afternoon for a while, a quartet of senior Czech underground
musicians was also chanting the maha-mantra,
with a few devotees accompanying them. They sang Hare Krishna to the
tune that George Harrison made famous in his song “My Sweet Lord.”
the early days of the Hare Krishna movement, Prabhupada would
encourage popular personalities of the time such as Alan Ginsberg to
chant Hare Krishna whenever they got a chance. Because
of the popularity of
those Czech musicians,
our tent was filled to the brim with people, and it was great seeing
so many people hearing “Hare Krishna”. Here is a video clip
little moment of glory came at the end of the final evening. There
was a very famous band called Prodigy playing, and the organizer,
Martin, said it was the most expensive band he ever had come there.
Many people went because of curiosity, and in our tent the crowd
dwindled to two or three people and our kirtana
stopped playing. I was thinking it had never happened in the last
seven years that some band was so popular that there was no one in
our camp, and that we stopped playing.
then gradually people began to return. Some asked about the kirtana.
told Punya Palaka Prabhu and said I would be glad to sing if people
wanted to listen and he said, “They are here, and they are asking
for kirtana.”
I went up on the stage and repositioned the harmonium in front of its
microphones. Punya Palaka played the drum and another accomplished
devotee musician played the kartatalas,
a couple more devotees joined us.
played a three-part tune four or five times at a fast enough tempo
that people could dance to it (https://youtu.be/l29kSG9XKaQ):
had about twelve people, with half of them dancing, and several
singing, some with beautiful smiles on their faces.
Palaka wrote about it, “It was nice, I was glad to accompany you
with my simple mrdanga
and no voice, at the time of the main performance of the Prodigy
band. The little group of our guests came with the hopes that we
didn’t stop our production due to Prodigy, as all the other stages
did. I appreciate these moments of simple sincerity very much.”
Prabhu had gone to the main stage to see this Prodigy group, and he
saw that it did not hold people’s interest. Although they were
famous, they had nothing special to offer.
was so happy to extend our kirtana
45 minutes or so and give those who appreciate our Krishna kirtana
last chance to sing and dance with us. We get to do harinama
sankirtana every
day, but for many of them, it is just these four days in
a whole year that
they get a taste of transcendental bliss.
several people wanted to take my photo or have their photo taken with
me. I found several people already knew about Hare Krishna in Prague.
I told one boy from Ostrava, far to the east, I would let him know of
our programs there if he emailed me.
sharing Krishna music, we also had a variety of prasadam
(Krishna food).
of the sabjis were excellent including this one.
Špíz (pronounced shpeez),
fried vegetables on a stick, and koftas
were large flat paddies instead of the tradition small balls, were
popular items.
Ananga Sevika did face painting as she did on the Czech Padayatra.
Palaka Prabhu is always looking for dependable devotee musicians to
play on our stage. If you would like to come some year and help out
let me know, and I will get you in touch with him.
suggested that next year we take advantage of the existence of our
presence there to teach the chanting of Hare Krishna on beads as a
meditation. Our stage is officially described as the alternative and
meditative stage, and I am sure we could find some people who would
be willing to learn how to chant Hare Krishna on beads as a daily
spiritual practice and thus come to a higher level of spiritual
look forward to assisting my Czech devotee friends in sharing Krishna
music with the people at Trutnov again next year.
Harinama with Harinama Ruci
year the Harinama Ruci party went to a festival in Slovakia after
Trutnov, but this year they stayed in Prague, and I was very happy to
be able to go on harinama
them there, the day after Trutnov, before my evening flight.
encountered a parade of international performers, and many of them
were willing to interact with us.
amazing was a group of young ladies from Israel, who both chanted and
danced with us (https://youtu.be/T-qmUS3zhdE):
are other musicians who played with us.
Some posed with our instruments.
see different passersby and performers
interacting with our party in this video
with Harinama Ruci was a beautiful way to end my month-long trip to
Eastern Europe.
in Newcastle
last couple of times I have returned to Newcastle, Bhakti Rasa Prabhu
has picked me up at the Megabus armed with a mrdanga
go on harinama.
time we chanted together for an hour and a half, and surprisingly our
listeners took 6 books and gave almost £11 ($17).
group of theater students who just graduated high school and who
attend Newcastle College in the fall, moved to the music as they
walked by. We encouraged them and they stuck around. We chanted the
mantra one word at a time to a lively tune, and they sang along. We
even spoke philosophy with some of them. We also told them about our
Wednesday program of singing and vegetarian food.
ladies, perhaps in the thirties, also chanted the mantra one word at
a time with us, and they definitely looked very blissful afterward,
which they themselves noticed and mentioned.
Rasa Prabhu likes this relationship of picking me up and doing
harinama with
me, and I find it a great welcome home. I hope we can continue it.
following day we again
we had seven people on a
harinama before
our Wednesday evening kirtana
Prema Sankirtana’s family of four came and Radhe Shyama and
Madhuri. Later
Maha-mantra Prabhu of Derby joined us, making eight altogether.
little girl was fascinated by the kirtana
danced with her hands raised, imitating me, for at least fifteen
minutes. Then she came closer and danced with Vishnu-priya Devi Dasi
and her daughters. You
can see this in these
video clips (https://youtu.be/vU3NiWflBso):
Because we had two kids on the party, we were more accessible to parents and their kids and more of them paid attention to us.
father and daughter were another example.
guy also got into dancing with us.
was great to be chanting with such enthusiastic devotees.
the Wednesday evening kirtana,
was surprised and delighted to see how nicely little Giya, not more
than five years old, led such a nice kirtana:
Hare Krishna in Blackpool
who helps out with Preston programs, came to chant with Govardhan dd,
her husband, John, and I in Blackpool.
young lady, who was carrying a placard advertising a business and
passing out information, followed us for half a block, and stayed
nearby for a while. She said Govardhan had a beautiful voice and that
she would like to join us, but she had to work.
older lady named Pauler came up to us, and told an amazing story of
being introduced to Hare Krishna by her daughter twenty years ago.
Her daughter was seven years old at the time, and getting kicked out
the church, she started investigating other religions. When the girl
was invited to a Hare Krishna program, she went and decided she liked
Hare Krishna. Thus her mother being
exposed to it, also came
to like
it. Recently, she was talking about going to the Preston programs and
getting more involved with Hare Krishna again, but it had not
happened. Then she met us Hare Krishnas on harinama.
daughter drove her to Preston that
night for
program, and she was so happy to take part.
Hare Krishna in Preston
having lunch in Blackpool, we came to Preston. I was happy that two
devotees from Scotland joined us there, and we chanted over two more
hours, with everyone taking turns leading the chanting.
in Southport
Devi Dasi's husband John drove me to Southport, and the two of us
chanted there. There are many older people in Southport, which was
fine, as John and I are older. At least a couple people said “Hare
Krishna” to us, although we only once chanted there before, and no
one remembers anyone doing harinama
before that.
in Liverpool
having lunch in Southport, I took the bus to Liverpool. I was happy
that two of the most active people in the Liverpool nama-hatta,
and Barbara, joined me to chant for two hours before our program
there. They
passed out many invitations.
on Lord Balarama's Appearance Day in Manchester
party of several devotees chanted together in downtown Manchester
from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Lord Balarama's appearance day. I was so
happy my friends decided to celebrate that event by doing harinama.
the evening, we chanted a temple where local Bengali's had arranged
an all-evening kirtana,
that auspicious full moon day ending the Jhulan Yatra, or swing
cememony of Radha Krishna.
I was happy to see the Hare Krishna maha-mantra
in Bengali script and reminding me of Mayapur as did pranami
the donation box.
Hare Krishna devotees took turns chanting, and the organizers were excited to
invite them to come back next year for a more extensive festival.
in Leeds
was pleased that several members of our congregation in Leeds came
out for harinama
their monthly program on the last Sunday of the month.
chose to speak on Lord Balarama and His role as a peacemaker in the
quarrels between Krishna and Rukmi, Bhima and Duryodhana, and Samba
and Kuru warriors. I also read some of the spiritual instructions He
gave to Rukmini on the day of her marriage. There was one new person
who was the friend of a regular, and I think those pastimes of Lord
Balarama are easier to appreciate for new people than some of His
the Dublin Ratha-yatra and the Newcastle retreat also happened the last
weekend in August, I chose to go to the nama-hattas around the Manchester area
I have been visiting for several years. I
felt I had spend too little time in The North of England, so I
eliminated Dublin. I asked Janananda Goswami about
the other choices,
and he recommended I choose the nama-hattas
the retreat, and so I did.
to Newcastle
Most of the Newcastle devotees were exhausted from the retreat, but Maha-mantra Prabhu, who likes to attend festivals in Newcastle, came out on harinama wth me on the last day of August. Chanting with me for three hours, he conquered over his reluctance to go on harinama and developed a greater appreciation for it. It was kind of Krishna to grant me some success in encouraging people in devotional service, as I wound up my stay in The North of England.
The Newcastle devotees had a birthday dinner for Anjali, who just
became twenty-one.
were all excited about the veggie burgers that Kalki Prabhu had made,
especially Prema Sankirtana Prabhu.
mango drink, which I was too eager to drink to take a picture of, was
made with cream and the best mango drink I have had in recent memory.
course, the cake made by Yamuna Jivana dd was also a winner.
see photos I did not include in this journal, click on the link
a lecture on Bhagavad-gita
4.22 on April 11, 1974, in Bombay:
“Don’t think that because you are Krishna conscious you will be always successful. It doesn’t matter. Even if you are unsuccessful, you must know firmly that without Krishna’s desire, nothing can happen. If you are unsuccessful, then you should know it is Krishna’s desire. There is no question of being depressed because you are unsuccessful. A devotee is never depressed in any horrible condition of life.”
From a lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.18 on September 26, 1974, in Calcutta:
“Don’t think that because you are Krishna conscious you will be always successful. It doesn’t matter. Even if you are unsuccessful, you must know firmly that without Krishna’s desire, nothing can happen. If you are unsuccessful, then you should know it is Krishna’s desire. There is no question of being depressed because you are unsuccessful. A devotee is never depressed in any horrible condition of life.”
From a lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.18 on September 26, 1974, in Calcutta:
beginning is faith. That is why we are establishing all these
centers, so people can acquire faith.
only business is to see that we are satisfying Krishna.
Dasa Goswami:
Japa Transformations:
when you begin your japa,
you feel reluctant. It just doesn’t have a taste. The only solution
for that is to keep going resolutely. The taste eventually comes,
always. The lack of taste may be due to many things, often physical.
You may be tired from lack of sleep or some physical malady. Mental
lack of taste is due to your poor Krishna consciousness. It may be
prominent on a particular day, just because of the whims of the
mind. It is a sad reflection to reveal to you that you’re just not
a good chanter. There is no excuse for it, you just must keep
chanting and overcome the bad state of the mind. It’s sad that we
are not instantly excellent chanters in the morning, and that some
mornings find us with the blues. During the chanting we can pray to
Krishna to help us out of this slump and bring us to our rightful
position. Chanting is a kind of mechanism. With a little effort we
will find ourselves back on track. Those are the days to push with
extra effort to find our rightful place. Determination is required,
and the strength to not become overwhelmed with depression at our
poor state. Don’t take it as such a terrible thing, just work
through it and come to the right position.”
this lack of
taste can always
be overcome if
one persists with
determination. Nama
Prabhu will not
refuse to grant His
mercy to the
surrendered soul.”
this lack of
taste can always
be overcome if
one persists with
determination. Nama
Prabhu will not
refuse to grant His
mercy to the
surrendered soul.”
summer at Stuyvesant Falls, New York,
a wonderful event takes place:
evening campfire kirtanas.
Sacisuta starts a fire
on the edge of his large lawn
and keeps adding logs, so
it’s always a substantial fire. As
dusk turns to night
the children stop
running around and gather
close to the adults for
no-nonsense chanting. If
the moon is out it’s nice,
but if not, there are plenty
of distant stars and the event takes on the aura of
a native American ritual.
But it’s transcendental, with
Lord Caitanya’s mridanga and karatalas
and the main thing, the
Hare Krishna mantra.
Snacks are prepared
to attract the children
(and the grown-ups too).
They are nick-named “S’more”
(some more – I want more).
They consist of a piece of banana
pierced by a stick and placed
into the fire.
When it melts
it’s taken out and a sandwich
is made with a graham cracker and
a piece of Hershey chocolate.
They are offered to Gaura-Nitai,
and they taste so good that
many are taken.
Neighbors who don’t
usually chant are allured
by the communal scene,
enjoying in purifying themselves
in the holy chant.
The singing goes on
for hours – the children
are allowed to stay up late
and no one gets bored.
It’s an excellent dovetailing
of communing with nature,
family solidarity and the
thing that makes it magic
– the Hare Krishna chant.”
a wonderful event takes place:
evening campfire kirtanas.
Sacisuta starts a fire
on the edge of his large lawn
and keeps adding logs, so
it’s always a substantial fire. As
dusk turns to night
the children stop
running around and gather
close to the adults for
no-nonsense chanting. If
the moon is out it’s nice,
but if not, there are plenty
of distant stars and the event takes on the aura of
a native American ritual.
But it’s transcendental, with
Lord Caitanya’s mridanga and karatalas
and the main thing, the
Hare Krishna mantra.
Snacks are prepared
to attract the children
(and the grown-ups too).
They are nick-named “S’more”
(some more – I want more).
They consist of a piece of banana
pierced by a stick and placed
into the fire.
When it melts
it’s taken out and a sandwich
is made with a graham cracker and
a piece of Hershey chocolate.
They are offered to Gaura-Nitai,
and they taste so good that
many are taken.
Neighbors who don’t
usually chant are allured
by the communal scene,
enjoying in purifying themselves
in the holy chant.
The singing goes on
for hours – the children
are allowed to stay up late
and no one gets bored.
It’s an excellent dovetailing
of communing with nature,
family solidarity and the
thing that makes it magic
– the Hare Krishna chant.”
I have pain, I face an alternative: to chant through the pain or to
stop and wait until later in the day, after the pain has cleared up.
I prefer to chant through the pain, because I never know how long the
pain may last. I don’t want to go late into the day with my quota
not reached. I can chant with pain by chanting silently and going to
a small place in my heart where the pain doesn’t affect me. I call
out to Krishna from there, and I’m not affected. I sit back in a
comfortable position and try to relax and say the rounds at a
moderate pace. I pray to Krishna to allow me to do it nicely and to
forgive me for the inevitable lack of perfection. Krishna stays with
me, and we chant together. I used to get migraines that would last
twenty-four hours. So there’s no question but that I have to
persist in chanting during those times. I can’t hold up the white
flag of surrender to no chanting, but I chant as best I can and count
on Krishna’s leniency and compassion. I can still pay attention to
the syllables and chant silently in my mind.
under duress
is a bit of a mess.
You can’t concentrate clearly
because the pain blocks you nearly.
Rather than stop, you push on,
and you’re happy to get them done.
Wounded japa is better than none,
and you feel you have actually won.
is a bit of a mess.
You can’t concentrate clearly
because the pain blocks you nearly.
Rather than stop, you push on,
and you’re happy to get them done.
Wounded japa is better than none,
and you feel you have actually won.
poor beginning will not
last for the gutsy chanter of
the Names. Soon the
soothing balm of Nama
Prabhu covers the rough
patch with its nectar.
last for the gutsy chanter of
the Names. Soon the
soothing balm of Nama
Prabhu covers the rough
patch with its nectar.
a bad dream, the
faulty start evaporates, and a
cheerful sunrise appears
through the beads.
faulty start evaporates, and a
cheerful sunrise appears
through the beads.
that was required is that
I show Krishna I’m sincere and
not a fair-weather chanter—I
can endure a bad first inning.”
I show Krishna I’m sincere and
not a fair-weather chanter—I
can endure a bad first inning.”
fine kind of kirtana
is when a great, dynamic
singer like B. B. Govinda Maharaja
is in a crowded temple and does his leading
with a microphone
in his hand. You
follow his melodies in bliss.
But a variety is when he
takes the mike and goes up
to each devotee and ‘forces’
him or her to lead the mantra
one time. He is ‘merciless’
and approaches even the
shy devotees, the old people,
the children and the newcomers
who may not sing so well. It produces a
riotous, communal, happy
feeling with everyone taking part.
When all have taken their turn
Maharaja brings the microphone
back to himself and
leads in his strong, commanding voice.”
is when a great, dynamic
singer like B. B. Govinda Maharaja
is in a crowded temple and does his leading
with a microphone
in his hand. You
follow his melodies in bliss.
But a variety is when he
takes the mike and goes up
to each devotee and ‘forces’
him or her to lead the mantra
one time. He is ‘merciless’
and approaches even the
shy devotees, the old people,
the children and the newcomers
who may not sing so well. It produces a
riotous, communal, happy
feeling with everyone taking part.
When all have taken their turn
Maharaja brings the microphone
back to himself and
leads in his strong, commanding voice.”
Japa Transformations:
morning I found this tastelessness when I began, but it did not last
long. Within a couple of rounds, I was feeling better and cheerful,
and I was chanting at a good speed. I didn’t give in to the poor
start, which could have lasted longer. Maya
is always waiting to catch us and tell us that the chanting is not
working and that we are worthless and might as well give up. But
actually we are just having a little bump in the road that we can
overcome with persistence. It is just a temporary mood that can
easily be overcome by chanting several rounds of japa
without quitting. Krishna does not want to withhold the sweetness of
the holy names, and He is just testing us. He is just showing us our
low state. He will allow us to overcome it in short order.”
to please Radharani by chanting Her names clearly and with devotion.
Krishna is never alone. He’s always with Radharani, and this is
true also in the Hare Krishna mantra.”
Prabhu (Manchester):
on Balarama’s appearance:
could be more pleasing to Krishna than to glorify His brother
[Balarama]. Of course, Krishna has a brother, because brotherhood is
one kind of relationship. In the spiritual world, there are
brothers and sisters, and fathers and mothers.
devotee should feel friendship for Krishna.
is not formless but “formmore”. [He has a superior spiritual
desire eternal friendship in this world, but we are frustrated
because it does not exist here.
relationships are a copy or imitation, where brotherhood is based on
birth, but there in the spiritual world, it is eternal.
have to understand this eternal brotherhood, although it is
inconceivable to us.
doubt how God can have arms and legs. You have arms and legs. Where
did you get them from?
form is attractive to all species.
these transcendental relationships is our ticket for going back to
mission in life is to leave this place and go back to Godhead and
take as many people with us as we can.
refers to Balarama as the original Personality of Godhead, so what
does original mean? Actually everything in the spiritual world is
original, and everything here is a copy.
is not so eager to be served. He wants a big brother so He can render
is guru-tattva, and one can
see Krishna’s massaging Balarama’s legs as indicating that the
disciple should massage the legs of the guru.
the pastime of Dhenukasura, the ass demon, Bhaktivinoda Thakura
explains the fruits are the pastimes of Radha and Krishna and the
sweet taste of the fruits is the pleasure derived from hearing the
pastimes. The ass demon represents the dull logicians who advise
their followers not to hear the pastimes of Radha and Krishna. When
you become eager to hear about Krishna, you will find logicians who
advise you not to. Their chanting will destroy them by giving them
sayujya (impersonal)
liberation instead of devotion.
love of Vrindavana residents would overwhelm their knowledge of
Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Balarama returned to Vrindavana, He did the rasa dance
with gopis who were
younger and did not participate in Krishna’s rasa dance
previously, thus it is said Krishna has His gopis and
Balarama has His gopis.
Mohan Prabhu (Manchester):
big difference between Krishna and Balarama is that Balarama only
desires to serve Krishna.
only wants to exchange love with His devotees.
expands as the shoes of Krishna, His bed, etc.
real mood comes out in difficulty.
did everything possible to make the stay of Rama in the forest
completely peaceful. He did not sleep even a moment. How was that
possible? Because of his love for Lord Rama.
Prabhupada was successful in spreading Krishna consciousness all over
the world because of his love for his guru and for Krishna.
most difficult service for Laksmana was to build a fire to test the
chastity of Sita. Then
even more difficult than that was to leave Sita, who was pregnant, in
the forest. Thus
when Laksmana appeared as Balarama, He decided to become the elder
brother, so He would not be obliged to do things He did not agree
is said that Dvivida had the power of 10,000 elephants in each arm.
Dvivida was proud of his own service to Rama, and thus he offended
Laksmana, thinking him to be insignificant. As soon as you offend a
devotee, you lose Krishna’s grace, and you become attracted to bad
association, and that is what happened to Dvivida.
can avoid bad association by staying in good association.
verse tells some of the names of Lord Balarama, whose appearance day
was celebrated on August 29 this year:
tam vai
sankarsanam bhuvi
son of Rohini [Balarama] will also be celebrated as Sankarsana
because of being sent from the womb of Devaki to the womb of Rohini. He will be
called Rama because of His ability to please all the inhabitants of
Gokula,and He will be known as Balabhadra because of His
extensive physical strength.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam